Is random on Uniti (qute) the same as shuffle on IPOD?

Posted by: Jimmy the Weed on 02 November 2011

Is random on Uniti (qute) the same as shuffle on IPOD? (restating the title for those using the forum app)


I made a playlist called "party" in mediamonkey and exported it as as m3u file to the NAS and it shows up no problem on the n-stream under playlists.


I would expect that when I choose random that it would got through a random selection of the whole playlist and not repeat an individual track, this however does not seem to be the case as tracks are repeating.


So does random have the effect that one track is picked randomly each time rather than a shuffle which effectively creates a random order for the playlist?


Or am i the only one this is happening to?




Posted on: 02 November 2011 by pcstockton

Technically you could get the same song 80 times in a row with true "Random" replay.  Shuffle typically shuffles a list and plays each song once.


Random looks at a pool of tracks and selects one at a time, well, randomly.

Shuffle takes a pool of tracks and randomly shuffles the list.  Then it plays in order.


Typically you have no idea what is coming up next with Random.

On the other hand, shuffle usually presents you with a shuffled list.

Posted on: 03 November 2011 by Alamanka

The "Random" mode on Uniti is not perfect. For instance, the first track will always be played first. The random only starts with the second track. This is a clear bug that has been there since the beginning.


Also it is not clear if the Uniti is considering the entire set of tracks or if there a limit in the number of tracks when the system makes a random selection.


The current Random mode works, but a Shuffle behavior (without track repeats) would be better


Good point made by Jimmy.