Streaming to Superuniti
Posted by: novak on 05 November 2011
Hello all!
Can I stream directly to the Superuniti from iTunes or Airfoil/Spotify?
I'm currently using a Supernait, Hicap and Harbeth M30 (well the Harbeth's are on their way after a home demo) and I stream my music wirelessly (Spotify premium or iTunes) to my Apple Airport Express and connect to the SN via optical.
The set up sounds good, but I keep reading that I could get more out of the system if I sort the streaming out. I have looked at the NDX, ND5 XS and also now reading about the Superuniti.
What would your recommendations be, guys? Would the Superunit sound better than the SN/HiCap/NDX or ND5XS? I heard you can't add the power supply to the SuperUniti, which is one of my doubts.
Thanks in advance!