I want a UnitiStream!!
Posted by: intothevoid on 06 February 2012
Ok, so I know there isn't such a product, but that doesn't stop me from wanting it
I'm using a SN/HC2 on fraim, which sounds fabulous, but looks...unfinished. There is a gap (currently filled by a Sonos ZP90) that is just yearning for a UnitiQute *without the DAC or amp*. A plain, simple, Naim quality streamer in a shoebox would fit the bill quite nicely.
No need for a NDS, NDX or ND5; no need for additional fraim; no more power supplies. Just a very simple setup. I'm very happy with the SN and have no wish to climb the ladder any further.
I have considered a UnitiServe-SSD, but I don't need a ripping solution as dbPoweramp on my pc does the business quite superbly.
Just thought I'd share this.
No harm in wishful thinking, is there?