Guess what I had a ride in today :)
Posted by: Tony Lockhart on 17 March 2012
You don't have to pay.
Just turn up on the right day and they will show you round the new Mac factory for nothing.
My cousin had a Mac one for nearly ten years.
He sold it and made money on it two years ago.
Its great what people can do with computers?
The real thing takes some beating imo.
Still the most up to date road side service company on the planet.
Where ever you went on the planet with a Mac1 or 2?
The tool box and Guy's were infront of you.
Do they still do that with the one you went in??
Alas I think it would more likely be their warranty department.....
As it happens,
His Mac never failed.
He went from Surrey to Portugal and back a few times in it,and down to the south of France.
He run out of gas a few times over the years but always close to home
All you had to do was give the factory a call ,Give them your travel details ,a bit like a plane or chopper with flight plans.
When you bought the car you bought the tool kit and service people .
On long trips that kit would be in front of you where ever you went in the world.
How the other half live?
He is a nice man though.
He was a Mod in the 60's with a two wheeled hair dryer.
The MP4 only costs a small fraction of what the F1 cost nearly 20 years ago. I wonder what the F1 would be in today's money? 1.5-2 million? So I doubt the MP4 comes with that sort of back up.
Sorry, my reply was somewhat tongue-in-cheek as, for all of McLaren''s hype (so strong that a new term was devised "McHype" - along the lines of McJob), the car has not been perfect from the off. At least they are sorting things quickly and listening to customer's comments.
As for how much a modern day F1 would cost, I don't think it would be too much more as the technology used then is more commonplace now and thus cheaper (look at Pagani for an equavalent). McLaren are doing a modern day hypercar, but whether it's as groundbreaking as the F1, only time will tell.....