Chord Din to RCA
Posted by: temple on 08 August 2001
Chrysalis or Cobra 2
The original Cobra has a good weighty sound, probably the same with the Cobra 2. However I have found that the cheaper Chrysalis had a more explicit mid-range with a more delicate and faster touch. The Cobra does win over the hrysalis in terms of bass weight and bass definition.
Make sure you but the cable that is directionalised (is that a real word?) in the correct direction from DIN down to RCA.
Andrew Randle
2B || !2B;
4 ^ = ?;
I saw your posts at AA. I too had a NAD S500 once upon as time but returned it a week later after hearing a Naim CD 3.5. There's just no comparison IMO.
Since then, all my gear was slowly traded away for a full Naim system. Still working on the speakers though. Interested to hear what it sounds like with SimAudio. What speakers are you using?
Mike S
Yes you are blunt but I think that you should not jump to conclusions and assume that I spent $6000 list. I spent one third of that! IT was a great purchase and I do not regret it in any way. I happen to have a CD3 that I can get my hands on and was going to use that for now.
Not sure as to why you think that my name is a "boybander e-name". Whatever that meens...
Sorry if I sounded Blunt but you really did not need to come across the way you did.
Chord would tie both ends of
the shield to signal ground - a potential problem when mixing gear depending on their ground topologies (no problem within Naim family), usually encountered when other gear has 3-prong power cable and ties case/rca outer
to earth and signal ground other than by transformer isolation of signal
So don't be surprised if this style of interconnect (which has a great sound) also gives an annoying hum.
Back to the music I go......
"I need to save up some funds so I can try out a couple of flat cap 2's."
You need only one Flatcap2, as it can power 2 items.
If you plan on keeping your CD3, you can save money by buying an old flatcap since the CD3 won't accept *caps; it would only go on the Nait5 or 112 preamp, depending on what you buy.
Anyone else think that the forum has been getting boring again lately
Gee Jez I'm most terribly sorry, we'll all keep trying to keep you interested and entertained.