Part wanted - any ideas?

Posted by: bigtrak on 12 December 2001

Hi I have just bought the nap160 and nac12n pre and power amps I metioned in my other post. I'm really pleased with it apart from 1 minor thing. At some point the green on/off switch has been broken and then bodged. It still works but looks a bit crappy. I have spoken to Naim to see if they have a replacement and they don't so i am appealing to anyone out there who may have one lying around or fitted to a knackered Nap 160 or if you know anyone that repairs/tinkers with Naim stuff who might have a replacement I could buy. It is an early 160 with the bolt together body. I would like to get one before I send it to naim to be re-capped etc so they could fit it. If you could help or have any suggestions I would be really grateful! Thank you
Posted on: 12 December 2001 by Bernard Paquet
You can ask them to fit a new black switch instead. The are suppose to be quieter.

Bernard Paquet

Posted on: 12 December 2001 by bigtrak
I do want to keep it as original as possible. Is the switch on the old 250 the same?
Posted on: 12 December 2001 by rp
Ask Naim if it was proprietary, and if not then if they have a record of who they got it from and if they have the manufactures part #. Or can they at least take a good guess who made it. Call them on a slow day. It might be still in production - though if it is I bet it's just a tad different, in a cheaper kind of way, and made in Mexico. If all else fails, get parts catalogs from supply houses and manufactures and start hunting. I've been down this road with old guitar tube gear, it sometimes pays off, but requires persistence. You'll also build up a nice small collection of new switches that looked close in the catalog but but don't fit, wrong color, etc when you got them in hand. Have patience, things pop up. Maybe one day at a yard sale you'll find an old clockradio w/ the same kind of swicth.