calibrating the FEP scale

Posted by: Joe Petrik on 10 October 2000

With all the FEPs being awarded and rescinded on the forum, maybe we should calibrate the scale so the points mean something.

Although some components work together synergistically -- suggesting that FEPs awarded to individual components can be multiplied -- for simplicity we should add individual points to get an overall FEP score.

Ready? Get a pad and pencil out and tally your FEPs...

Source FEPS
· Is your turntable worth more than your speakers? If yes, add 35 points.

· Do you own a record cleaner? If yes, add 25 points.

· Is your turntable placed on a dedicated altar? If yes, add 20 points.

· Do you use fancy anti-static inner sleeves? If yes, add 10 points.

· Does your turntable's platter weigh 50 kg or more? If yes, subtract 25 points.

· Is CD your only source? If yes, subtract 20 points, unless you own a CDS-II.

· Does your turntable have a record clamp? If yes, subtract 10 points.

Electronics FEPs
· Does your preamp have a mono switch? If yes, add 30 points.

· Have you ever accidentally left the preamp in mono but didn't notice for days? If yes, add 20 points.

· Did you paint the front of your 52 silver? If yes, add 10 points.

· Did you chintz out and get the preamp without a phono input? If yes, subtract 50 points.

· Does your preamp weigh 5 pounds and your power amp weigh 500? If yes, subtract 40 points.

· Does your preamp have tubes? If yes, subtract 30 points.

Speaker FEPs
· Do you own any of the following speakers: Kan I, Kan II, Sara, Isobarik, IBL, SBL, DBL, Quad 57s? If so, add 40 points.

· Do you position your speakers for the best overall groove and image (zero points), best groove (add 20 points), or best image (subtract 20 points)?

Lifestyle FEPs
· Do you enjoy air, space and blackness? If yes, subtract 40 points.

· Is it better to have thin but groovy bass (add 20 points) or full but flubby bass (subtract 20 points)?

· Have you ever spent an afternoon adjusting the tracking force for that magic value between 1.95 g and 1.97g? If yes, add 20 points.

· Do you vacuum your cartridge regularly, knowing full well that one day you'll suck the generator right out? If yes, add 15 points.

· Did you try all four positions of the belt and both positions of the mat on your LP12 to determine which sounds best? If yes, add 10 points. (If you ever wondered whether the belt and mat combinations interact and therefore exponentially increase the number of permutations add another 10 points. Add another 10 if you tried all permutations.)

· Do you spend Saturday afternoon at garage sales, looking for 50 cent LPs? If yes, add 10 points.

· Do you own a 45 RMP version of Yello's "Stella"? If yes, add 5 points.

· Do you own a half-speed master of ELP's "Tarkus"? If yes, subtract 40 points.

· Do you buy audiophool LPs for their smooth, silky sound? If yes subtract 35 points.

· Do you use a record clamp? If yes, subtract 20 points.

Posted on: 11 October 2000 by Joe Petrik

Now, if I were to answer the questions based upon when I owned a turntable, I would actually have 190, so there!

But that's the point. Any flat earther worth his weight would have a turntable -- or at the least a motha' of a CD player. We at Flat Earth Labs have conducted pain-staking research to devise and calibrate the scale, and we estimate its precision to be within 10 FEPs 95% of the time.

Even I missed out on some FEPs for having a 102 (no mono switch) and Sorcerers (Kan-like non-Kans).


[This message was edited by Joe Petrik on WEDNESDAY 11 October 2000 at 14:00.]

Posted on: 11 October 2000 by Joe Petrik

So, just how many days was your 52 switched into mono before you noticed? Flat earth labs will award a bonus 10 FEPs if it was more than a week.


Posted on: 11 October 2000 by Greg Beatty
...When I bought my 72, I was impressed by the 'MON' switch. It turned out to be the Tape MONitor and not MONo, and I was miffed by this. So do I get the bonus MONo points?

- GregB
Freedom is not in finding the Holy Grail but in stopping the search for it

Posted on: 11 October 2000 by Eric Barry
I get 80, which included the double deduction of 10 and 20 for a record clamp (VPI owner) and -40 for enjoying "air", though I like groove better.

However, I think there are some oversights on the scale. I would suggest:

Do you prefer CDX to CDS, or CD3/3.5/5 to CDX? (Plus 20)

Do you prefer Rega turntables to all others? (Plus 20)

Do you think Mana racks are equivalent to spending 5x as much on boxes? (Plus 20)

Do you own more lps than cds? (Plus 10)

Do you buy more lps than cds? (Plus 10)

Do you listen more to lps than cds? (Plus 20)

Do you own more cartridges than cds? (Plus 40)

Is you tonearm or cartridge worth more than your cd player? (Plus 25--only if you own a cd player)

Do you own a power conditioner? (Minus 25)

Do you use aftermarket footers such as Navcom Silencers or Vibrapods which are compliant? (minus 15)

Do you own a DAC? (Minus 20)


Posted on: 11 October 2000 by Eric Barry
Do you own any equipment not designed in the England, Scotland, or Cambridge? (Minus 20)
Posted on: 11 October 2000 by Rico
Do you own any equipment not designed in the England, Scotland, or Cambridge? (Minus 20)

Dude - there's no way a Nakamichi owner can lose 20 points as pennance for ownership of the most flat-earth tape-deck outside of a Revox A77/B77/G36.

Rico - musichead

Posted on: 11 October 2000 by Martin Clark
Since I appear to be balanced perfectly at the point of inflexion is this the sound of one foot tapping?
Posted on: 11 October 2000 by Eric Barry
Perhaps I could add "any non-recording component" not designed in England, Scotland, or Cambridge (NAD does make tape decks, BTW). But then anyone who owns a cartridge other than Linn would cry too, and frankly I don't think such whining is in the nature of this endeavour. So take your lumps--and try to find a prototype of the Naim cassette deck.


Posted on: 11 October 2000 by Joe Petrik
Anyone caught cheating -- and you know who you are -- will have to install a level-7 triphazer into his system.

This device will instantly turn any flat earth system into spacious mush. Owning one immediately docks you 200 points. Look at some of the testimonials --

"With the Triphazers in place, my system immediately projected greater depth of field than usual. I also perceived better articulation; that is the notes and the spaces between the notes were clearer. I noticed a superior illusion of depth with cleaner spaces between noted and silence."

"With the Triphazers in the system the imaging became more precise.... Players were in place not confined to some miniature spot between left and right; instead they took a realistically sized space upon the stage and that's where they stayed extremely dense and very palpable."

Posted on: 11 October 2000 by Allan Probin
I only get 40 points !

Where are my FEP's for:

a) having speakers that are worth about one-twentieth the value of the system, and

b) having a CD player thats worth more than the rest of the system put together ?


Posted on: 11 October 2000 by Martin Payne
Cartridge boards...

hey I should get extra points for having S, K *and* MM boards for my 52? Can anyone claim to have all four, including the E type?

I can even claim to have S, K & MM boards for the 72, just in case I ever need them again.

cheers, Martin

Made in Scotland...

did Linn ever make their own cartridges?

Adn Nakamichi and Dynavector definately make for a flat earth.

cheers, Martin

Posted on: 11 October 2000 by Mike Hanson
So both your 82 and 32.5 have the capability, but they require the boards, which you don't have

But I do have the 323 boards for my 32.5. I just don't have them in right now, because I don't have a turntable source at work. I intend to get a turntable at home, and when I do I'll get boards for the 82 too. So I don't lose the 10 points. That leaves me at 40, fair and sqaure, so there! Catch you later!

-=> Mike Hanson <=-

Smilies do not a forum make.

Posted on: 12 October 2000 by Rico
But I do have the 323 boards for my 32.5. I just don't have them in right now, because I don't have a turntable source at work. I intend to get a turntable at home, and when I do I'll get boards for the 82 too. So I don't lose the 10 points. That leaves me at 40, fair and sqaure, so there! Catch you later!

General Vuksanovic, the men are suggesting the firing squad. I feel this is too serious a punishment for confusing secondary systems with primary system decisions, and the secondary charge of introducing 'vapour-systems'. Might I suggest chrome-bumper polishing detail instead? Additional penalty -ve FEP's is a question we will leave in your hands. Or should we involve the Field Marshall?

Rico - musichead

[This message was edited by Rico on THURSDAY 12 October 2000 at 14:02.]

Posted on: 12 October 2000 by Nigel Cavendish
How many points for wax cylinders, and smallpox, and rickets, and high child mortality, steam power etc?



Posted on: 12 October 2000 by Joe Petrik
I think it's time for a new leader: someone who has been able to shake the Linn bias more than Joe Petrik (sure he traded in his LP12 for a P9, but just look at his questionnaire). Notice how he also neglected to add the crime of trading in Kans, Quad 57s or Saras to end up with a speaker not on the approved list? At minus 50 each, that would subtract 150 from his FEP total!


I never claimed to be the leader. Both the vinyl nutter and Bob, for example, have more FEPs than I do. I'm just a member in good standing.

Maybe we should take a vote on who'll be the general, colonel and major in the FEP squad. I'm content being a lowly foot soldier, as long as I'm loved and occasionally bribed with apple strudel, just like Sergeant Schultz from TV's Hogan's Heroes.


Posted on: 12 October 2000 by Tony L
I've just realised that I missed out on the tracking weight fiddling points... I rightfully claim my additional 20 points.

I now have 255 with no negatives.


Posted on: 12 October 2000 by Andrew L. Weekes
Reached a respectable score of 180 points, but I'm sure polishing mains plugs with religious fanaticism should warrant some kind of bonus (multiplied by the number of plugs polished + a special award for doing the fuse in the fuse box)?


Andrew L. Weekes

Posted on: 12 October 2000 by Greg Beatty
...I *replaced&* my fuses with wire.

So there!

But I'm not so sure the plug cleaning thing is really a Flat Earth activity. Clean plugs tend to extend the frequency extremes and improve space and air. Maybe Joe should *deduct* points for plug cleaning.

- GregB
Freedom is not in finding the Holy Grail but in stopping the search for it

Posted on: 12 October 2000 by Joe Petrik
I've just realised that I missed out on the tracking weight fiddling points... I rightfully claim my additional 20 points.

I now have 255 with no negatives.

I proclaim the vinyl nutter our FEP leader. So, shall that be General Tony, General Lonorgan or General V. Nutter of her Majesty's Flat Earth Forces?

Your humble servant,

Sargeant Joe

Posted on: 12 October 2000 by Rico
I proclaim the vinyl nutter our FEP leader. So, shall that be General Tony, General Lonorgan or General V. Nutter of her Majesty's Flat Earth Forces?

To quote The Young Ones: "Viva El Presidente!"

Apart from the lack of rank, and that we should have a fascist dictator's title for the position, Sergeant Scouse might stick?

Rico - musichead

Posted on: 12 October 2000 by Tony L
I proclaim the vinyl nutter our FEP leader. So, shall that be General Tony, General Lonorgan or General V. Nutter of her Majesty's Flat Earth Forces?

I am deeply honoured, in fact as a celebration anyone who scored higher than 180 points can take tomorrow off work.


Posted on: 12 October 2000 by John G.
I had 195. I would've had 30 more points but I no longer have a 42.5. I did give myself points though for leaving the mono switch on when I did own one;-).

I think additional points should be awarded for:

1. Not owning a cd player.
2. Not owning a record cleaner.
3. Using a matchbook striking pad for cleaning your stylus. (just kidding)
4. Having a dedicated phono stage.
5. Having a dedicated mains.


Posted on: 12 October 2000 by John Channing
I now have 255 with no negatives.

Given that I reckon the maximum score is 290, you don't own a 52 (-10), or an LP12 (-20), and are unlikely to own a copy of Yellow's Stella at 45rpm (-5), you basically have a perfect FE score.

Music is the answer.

Posted on: 12 October 2000 by Frank Abela
Minus 25.

But, Your Honour, I do object...

You punish me for buying a line-only preamp.

Yet, I have a £1500 phono stage.

Half the questions are about LP12's. Gyro owners are left in the cold. Should there not be points for testing the Gyro with one belt or two?

Surely air, space and blackness are benefits and should only be punished if they are more important to me than PRaT (they are not)?

Surely abusing your cartridge with a vacuum cleaner constitutes sacrilege and a loss of 3000 points???

If one appreciates the smooth silky sound of audiophool records, does this mean one should deduct the 35 points? I have deducted them, but I buy the records for the music, as well as the sound quality.

I rest in anticipation of your sage counsel...


Posted on: 12 October 2000 by Chris Metcalfe
Feel I should have another 20 for having once owned a pair of Mark 1 Kans, having several record cleaners, and having a very flat-earth turntable, an LP12 expertly set up by, (& having been convinced not to buy a P9 by), Frank.

[This message was edited by Chris Metcalfe on FRIDAY 13 October 2000 at 12:38.]