A question about SPAM

Posted by: blythe on 19 April 2004

Has anyone any idea why Spammers add "rubbish" to their emails such as the following. Is it to try and confuse Spam filters or something?

Just wondering, not that I bother reading them usually.

hayden , abrade
omission , gaggle . gull . ear , scud equivocate , draft
. era . aforesaid , servant satisfy , h . cortland . cetera9
, frostbitten6 hebraic , cull . griswold . cairn , sept
deaden , simplectic . janet . curt , carnival irritant , hoffman
. rotenone . chieftain , precipitate groan , out . restorative . afford
, monarchy coin , cowry . bawl . glycerinate , mccauley consultation
, copperfield . afterlife . may , galatia python , contemplate . hawley
. oppressive , quaint credulous , innate . hexagonal . maltreat , fishy
patina , absolve . ha . graphic , hinduism illustrate , ileum
. melissa . minsk , dairymen juxtaposition , allied . democrat . mutt
, babe bricklayer , brittle . flood . shortage , gleam delineament
, pregnant . alpha . manfred , radiochemical inconstant , furze . brucellosis
. collude , diverge0 drowsy , oratorical . pi . blueback
, dorset aviary , kwashiorkor . bonze . parapet , gallus filmy
, arctangent . carcinogen . andover , donna episcopalian , estes . exogamy
. irrigate , appointe conant , bronx . beginning . ho , chalcocite
edith , abacus . brig . hush , dissension siva , saliva
. facsimile . cheap , blanc gilbertson , collision . selma . forward
, sidemen geigy , baton . bloodstream . ground , depress cruise
, earthmove . enstatite . lin , bead faustus , gwyn . assiduous
. document , fungal convolute , cicero . poisson . inlaid , forensic

Computers are supposed to work on 1's and 0's - in other words "Yes" or "No" - why does mine frequently say "Maybe"?......
Posted on: 19 April 2004 by domfjbrown
Either that - or some lame attempt to get you to read their offers for:
A bigger dick
Longer orgasm
Auto warranty
Dodgy porn
Blind date
All the above...

Sometimes though, those random word combinations can be amusing - there was a thread on here a while back with peoples' best SPAM titles - what happened to it?

Don't wanna be cremated or buried in a grave
Just dump me in a plastic bag and leave me on the pavement
A tribute to your modern world, your great society
I'm just another victim of your highrise fantasy!