Quadraspire Stand Materials

Posted by: Le Chef on 10 January 2001

I'm thinking of getting a Quadraspire stand and noticed that you can get either wood or glass shelves. I'm wondering whether it would be better for my LP12 to sit on a glass shelf or a wooden shelf. Does anyone have experience with this, and if so which works better?

Many thanks

Le Chef

Posted on: 11 January 2001 by Tony L
The stand needs very careful setup to give its best IMHO, that said which stand doesn't?

Possibly worth while getting in touch with the Audio Counsel in Cheadle (0161 428 7887) as they do some structural modifications to the stand that they claim improves them quite a lot. They may be able to ship to the states, or at least tell you how to do it yourself. You should also specify the non-ferrous spacers, as the stands main advantage seems to be in this area. If Dave Cattlin is out there he will be able to shed more light on all this.


See, I didn't even mention Mana.

Posted on: 12 January 2001 by Le Chef
I love the fact that a simple question leads to a much deeper understanding of how all this stuff works. As a Brit in Chicago it's also nice to see where the advice is coming from :-)