Aro Discontinued?
Posted by: Paul B on 27 January 2001
Andrew Randle
2B || !2B;
4 ^ = ?;
Andrew Randle
2B || !2B;
4 ^ = ?;
The Aro has an asterisk.
Can someone from Salisbury tell us if this is just an error - or something more sinister?
Tim J
Le Chef
we have enough aro arms for a few more years!
So production has stopped, but you have stockpiles?
Dave Dever, NANA
For such a fine arm.
WE ARE TALKING YEARS!!! nothin to do with bean counters, just common sense!
I'm currently at Uni, but have heard an LP12 with Aro and was hopin to be able to get one when I graduate. Will they still be around in 3/4 years?
No! Suffer like I did when the bariks went!
Andrew Randle
2B || !2B;
4 ^ = ?;
cheers, Martin
will any of us? get one now, take a loan, sell something or look out for a used one.
[This message was edited by Paul Stephenson on TUESDAY 30 January 2001 at 09:43.]
Its called manufacturing, Martin. All this interest does this mean you are thinking about getting an ARO?
Yesterday I have mine 2. Aro orders. I want to install it in 5 - 10 years. When my VDH Grasshopper Gold at the original tonearm board had excessive overhang, you manufactured me according to my specification a suitable board.
Will you have the possibility in some years still the tonearm boards with shifted drillings to manufacture?
I have a friend with one, and it sounds superb (even with a Lingo). Although I use an Ekos-II I have to say I'm considering moving over at some point (bit of a long term project).
I guess this is because I now consider I've got the CD front end sorted (CDS-II/CDPS).
cheers, Martin
I am sure as long as Linn still make the boards, I will keep one for you just in case!
I did think that buying Naim meant similar service quality and backup. I am not so sure now after reading the above.
I just feel Paul Stephenson is being a little bit harsh. The message he is giving is something along the lines of if we havn't got them in a few years - well sorry (tough). Should have bought one earlier.
I can appreciate they're in business and in business to make profits. It's just that service quality and backup are important. This is partly why I have Naim. I'm sure Naim will do their utmost to cater for peoples requirements. However, if its not profitable enough then it's a balance between their service quality and their profit percentages. It's a bit of a fine line.
So saying "buy it now, or forget it" is perfectly reasonable. Try going to BMW and asking for a new 2002ti, and see what response you get - despite there being no direct equivalent in the current model line-up.
Chris L
The message he is giving is something along the lines of if we haven't got them in a few years - well sorry (tough). Should have bought one earlier.
Let's hope you're not referring to the Aromatic, which has thankfully long passed from production...
As for the ARO itself, there's very little that can go wrong mechanically--most problems arise from pathetic attempts to re-solder the cartridge lead tags, which are easily sourceable.
Dave Dever, NANA
As Dave has stated there is very little which can go wrong with the Aro itself so I dont think there will be to many problems there.
Let's hope you're not referring to the Aromatic, which has thankfully long passed from production...
David, were there problems with the Aromatic?