Hi-cap & 42
Posted by: bob atherton on 11 October 2000
I am just about to get another Hi-cap, this now makes 3(!) I want to give it a good 'warm up' before installing it in my system.
All that I have to hand is a friend's 42, not 42.5. He has a 4 pin SNAIC as well. will this work with a Hi-cap, and if so which output on the Hi-cap do I connect the SNAIC?
Dum spiro audio
Dum audio vivo
surely sticking a 42 in idle on a HiCap will make little warm-up difference compared with the same HiCap left powered up but idle, for the same length of time? Or do you propose running it within a 'spare-parts' system in order to complete this warm-up?
I've gotta ask - is it a prefix or an 82, or a Headline, that this additional hicap is in aid of?
Rico - musichead
Back in the summer I sent my hi-cap & 32.5 back to Salisbury for a service. I was amazed at the difference when they came back, but it was not better in all departments.
The burn in & warm up took about 4 weeks, until this was over it could sound a bit edgy, now it just sound fabulous.
I'd like to send my Hi-cap for SNAXO back, but with 2 weeks at Naim & then another 4 weeks for it to peak, I'm not that patient!
I have tracked down a Hi-cap that was serviced about 18 months ago. I've bought it and wanted to warm it up before installing with the SNAXO. The 'spare' Hi-cap will then probably go to a friend who owns a CD5.
If he doesn't want it then I will put it with the inevitable 82 ;-)
Ron is right about the sockets (much to my surprise).
Even if you could plug a 42 into the HiCap it would only draw current from one half of the HiCap.
I was advised by Naim that I could warm a CDPS up with nothing attached, just switch it off momentarily when you need to plug it in. I presume the same is true of a HiCap (I believe just that advice was given on the old conference).
cheers, Martin
I have swapped the new for old on my SNAXO & look forward to the three week warm up. As the song goes 'things can only get better'
My friend also decided to buy my old Hicap for his CD5. FWIW any CD5 owners should listen to this upgrade. IMHO It's a very worthwhile improvement.
FWIW any CD5 owners should listen to this upgrade. IMHO It's a very worthwhile improvement.
Similar improvement to 3.5/Hi, or greater again? Interested to hear your thoughts.
Oh, and does this then make the CD5+Hi "even better than a CDX"?
Rico - musichead