Yesterday I went to a shop to buy me a 180, 72 and a HiCap. The salesman connected the system with a Sonneteer cd player and some UKP 6000 speakers (I believe they were ARS Acoustics or something). It sounded terrible!!!
Now I know that I should have heard it within an all Naim setup, but imho it should have sounded better than this anyhow.
When compared to my humble CDI, 92, 90/3, flatcap and Intro's it sounded dull, dark, shut in and very bass heavy. As I had already heard the HiCap in my system once, I ended buying only this. It sounds great in my system, better than the flatcap. Even my 03, which I have connected to the cable, sounds a lot better now. So, I'm really happy with this buy.
My question is just this: what went wrong? I have heard the 102 before, which I really liked, so I think the 72 is not quite up to par. I was also afraid of buying the 180, as perhaps this piece was guilty of the heavy bass?!
Any suggestions where to go now? I could buy a 140 and later on a 102, which I will buy for sure after hearing the 72. I don't know exactly, who can tell me which piece is to blame?
Regards, Bas
Posted on: 30 December 2000 by Naheed
Bas, never heard of of listened to either the cd or speakers so i can't comment.
Influencing factors could be the demo room, stands, etc... i have found this to be the case on 3 occasions when I demo'd a cds2/xps/82/hicap/250/sbls, everytime i got back home i just realised how g
[This message was edited by Naheed on SATURDAY 30 December 2000 at 17:48.]
Posted on: 30 December 2000 by Arun Mehan
I also don't know why you got such a low rating for this thread? I give you 5 stars!
I have to agree with Naheed, everything sounds different when it's not in your own listening environment. Also, I'm sure the Sonneteer (which I have not heard of at all) is not in the same league as the CDI.
Bas, you know a 102 is a great pre and will really improve everything. Make it your next upgrade if you can. The 90 should be able to handle the Intro's until you can afford a better amp. Of course, this is only my humble opinion.
Posted on: 31 December 2000 by Bas V
Yes Omer, they were the "MAX" speakers. But as I have read in some reviews, these speakers should be easy to drive!
Abyhow, I have just heard from a friend that the shop sometimes does not so fair trading. It is no longer a Naim dealer and I was told he sometimes takes his soldering iron and puts it in the Naim. Then he compares the "modified" Naim with his new brand, Sonneteer, and people buy that....
Now, I don't know ho far this is true, but I did see that:
a] most Naim's he had were modified
b] we agreed I could trade in, he denied that at the shop
c] he said the stuff was from '99; it was from '92 - '94
d] the prices had changed within a week
This is all not in his favour!!! The 180 I listened to had 2 DIN-connectors. I think this is also a modified unit? What purpose does the second connector have? (*)
Well, I wonder how you all think about this....
Regards, Bas
PS (*) Could it be a "good" connector and a "bad" connector??? It was connected by the original one...
Posted on: 31 December 2000 by Bas V
Omer, I know you're right, that's why I don't mention the name of the (former) dealer!
Arie, thanks a lot!
Have a nice evening and a musical 2001!