Delayed gratification

Posted by: Mike Hanson on 19 January 2001

Well, the turntable I ordered a couple of months back has arrived. (It was coming with some AKG K240-DF headphones that were backordered.) I've now got a Rega Planar 3 (not the 2000). I've also got a Dynavector 10x4mk2 on order, so that should allow me to listen to some black stuff occasionally. Unfortunately, I have no place to put it (apartment's too full), so it's going to sit in storage until I get into my house in May. Oh dear!

Still on the topic of delayed gratification, I've got a new Headline waiting for a re-capped SNAPS to return from the technician. Ouch! Now that the AKGs have arrived, I got those along with Senheiser HD330s and a bunch of other crappy headphones to contrast and compare. Sadly, the technician has been waiting for some replacement regulators from Naim for at least a month now. Yeesh!

Oh well, I'm still enjoying the Super-Cap (when I'm not working my ass off to make enough money to pay for all of this stuff wink ). Some people work and save, then buy and enjoy. I buy first, then work 70 hour weeks to pay for it, so that I can enjoy it in my "spare" time. Oh well... Catch you later!

-=> Mike Hanson <=-

[This message was edited by Mike Hanson on FRIDAY 19 January 2001 at 14:19.]

Posted on: 19 January 2001 by Nigel Cavendish
how disappointing - I thought this was a thread about tantric sex.



Posted on: 19 January 2001 by Chris Brandon
Look at it this way,when you have finished working silly hours,the Supercap should be nicely burned in/warmed up !


ps. been at your homebrew again ??? smile

Posted on: 19 January 2001 by Mike Hanson
I was quite intrigued by the warm-up pattern. I hooked it up around 11pm on Tuesday night. It immediately eclipsed the recent performance of the two Hi-Caps. It was so good, that I couldn't force myself into bed until 1am.

The next morning (approximately 8 hours later) it was even better. 24 hours after that, though, it sounded somewhat dull and listless. "Great!", I thought. "The honeymoon is already over and I've got to upgrade something else." However, 12 hours later (i.e. last night) and this morning it was sounding Super again.

I don't know whether this "blip" was due to to the vagaries of warm-up, or a temporary problem with the power grid. I've generally found that morning power (6-7:30am) is very consistent, so I'm towards it being a warm-up thing. However, it seems silly that warm-up should take that long. (Break-in: YES. Warm-up: NO) Since the Super-Cap is four years old, I'm assuming that break-in is not an issue. Catch you later!

-=> Mike Hanson <=-

[This message was edited by Mike Hanson on FRIDAY 19 January 2001 at 15:36.]

Posted on: 19 January 2001 by Bernard Paquet
I do the same! Buy and pay after. I just bought two hicap from a lucky guy here who got a supercap. Thanks Mike wink

Sometime i find that more you spend and more money comes in. I don't know why but if i try to save money i never attain my goal. If i buy something i pay it over a couple of week (or month).

Bernard Paquet

Posted on: 19 January 2001 by Mike Hanson
You're welcome, Bernard. Well, for the moment I'm busy working to make some money to pay for the house to hold my stereo, so I'm going to try not to spend any more money on the audio gear for a few months/year. Catch you later!

-=> Mike Hanson <=-