A good word for the site
Posted by: Arye_Gur on 01 December 2000
As few of us had complained about some odd things that happened to us, I think it is time to say that the site functions very good !
Is there are news on configuration changes, i.e. showing all the posts when you click on a topic rather than only 20? This really would make things hugely easier to use.
Also, while we're in the mood, can I request a change to the 'view posts since your last visit' function?
Firstly Could it show all the postings, not just the headings? If not, then can you fix it so that when you click a heading it takes you to the correct item, even if it's not on the first page. (Big hint - this would be resolved if it showed all of the posts rather than just the first 20).
Also, if there have been five postings into a topic then it lists all five. Why? When I click on a heading all five are right next to each other at the end of the topic. I'm sure someone would moan if you changed how this works, so could I therefore request an additional list of topics which have changed - and that the links work properly, too.
Oh, and by the way, the "e-mail this page to a friend" function doesn't work on second and subsequent pages. (Another big hint - this would be resolved if it showed all of the posts rather than just the first 20).
thanks, Martin
P.S. Sod's Law - I started getting this message as soon as I tried to post this (and have been, now, for several minutes)!:-
"Saturday December 02, 2000
The OpenTopic™ database that powers this Community is momentarily unavailable.
Your browser will reload your request every few seconds until messages appear normally.
The Infopop System Administrators have been notified about the problem and are working to correct it.
Thank you for your patience.
Infopop Corporation"
[This message was edited by Martin Payne on SATURDAY 02 December 2000 at 15:41.]
the site was absolutely appaling yesterday - just couldn't be used, lost several of my posts.
Also, do InfoPop also host WWW.Naim-Audio.Com? When I try to type this in I get sent to:- (which doesn't work).
If I follow the link from the conference I get sent to:- (which does).
Shurely shome mishtake???
For several weeks I have no problems with the site and I think I use it a lot. Anyway if there are problems, I'm not the one to be blamed....
This is all very strange. I look at the conference a fair amount and I don't often have a problem. I have seen the message you copied into your post but only a couple of times.
Community Snapshot at TUESDAY 05 December 2000
-------------------------------------------------- Today Calendar Month Measure
Members: 997 As at TUESDAY 05 December 2000
Messages: 10852 As at TUESDAY 05 December 2000
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Data Transferred 0 1.2 Mb/day
Average Response Time: 466 1621 ms/Page
Andrew Randle
2B || !2B;
4 ^ = ?;
The figures are probably more indicative of the increasing popularity of Naim and the Internet. I'm sure that when the threading feature is implemented we will find a dramatic increase in the posting/member ratio.
It would be interesting to see the graph.
Andrew Randle
2B || !2B;
4 ^ = ?;
I had previously placed several entries in my etc/hosts file, and this was still pointing to the old address for Naim-Audio!
That'll teach me to be a smart-arse!
Apologies all round, and especially to Paul.
I will update here again in a few days to see if this has also resolved my reliability problems.
cheers, Martin
This report was prepared specifically for: naim-audio.infopop.net
Statistics reported for period of: January 1-31, 2001
Total Registered Members: 1223
Total New Members: 130
Total Unique Visitors: 287
Total Hours Usage Logged: 7200
Top Five Posters: Arie_Gur (222 Posts)
Jonathan Ribee (167 Posts)
Martin M (116 Posts)
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ken chakahwata (104 Posts)
Top Five Topic-Starters: Arie_Gur (18 Posts)
John Clark (11 Posts)
ken chakahwata (10 Posts)
Alco (9 Posts)
Jonathan Ribee (8 Posts)
% of Members Who Posted: 31.07
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Average Page Views/Day: 10790
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Five Most Popular Topics: where I stand by Vuk Vuksanovic (with 133 posts and 7996 page views)
cds2 vs cds1 by ken chakahwata (with 53 posts and 2553 page views)
Elitism by wal riley (with 59 posts and 2415 page views)
2001 looking like a very good year by Vuk Vuksanovic (with 36 posts and 2512 page views)
another new naim owner asking dumb a** questions by Joolz (with 49 posts and 2273 page views)
Can you add to the stat -
The best annoying poster ?
If there is anything or anyone linked to annoyance in this forum, it must be you.
Having said that, I will admit, that although you are on most occassions, a total pain in the ass, you are also a nice guy. A somewhat unique combination.
I cannot make up my mind in saying... "keep them coming" or "bugger off".
A rather indecisive Mick
While reading your post I didn't know if to cry or to laugh.
Total Registered Members: 1333
Total New Members: 110
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Top Five Posters: Arye_Gur (138 Posts)
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Top Five Topic-Starters: Paul Stephenson (10 Posts)
Arye_Gur (8 Posts)
ericlee (6 Posts)
Bernard (5 Posts)
Andrew Randle (5 Posts)
% of Members Who Posted: 29.03
Community Activity
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Average Page Views/Day: 10624
Total New Topics Created: 316
Five Most Popular Topics: New Naim gear at the Bristol show by ian meadowcroft (with 78 posts and 6245 page views)
the last word on speakers by Vuk Vuksanovic (with 58 posts and 3987 page views)
Nama Paint (patent pending) at the Bristol Show by Allan Probin (with 68 posts and 2781 page views)
New gear - the pictures! by John Channing (with 36 posts and 2773 page views)
The Next Big Thing by Paul B (with 47 posts and 2386 page views)
I for one am curious of the lastest statistics.
It seems someone posted a short time ago the forum was boring and a "boring?" thread was started, then out of nowhere there were all these new members, great topics, and excellent posts!
Also, I know one of the reasons for the forum is to create excitement for Naim and get people buying it. Are sales at Naim up? And can you attribute it to the forum? The reason I'm curious is my hi-fi now sounds better than ever and I'll soon be buying brand-new Naim for the first time in almost ten years!! And even though the "Music" forum doesn't get as much postings as you'd think, I for one have been getting a couple records a month based on recommendations from members.
Thanks For The Forums,
Ron The Mon
My only complaint about the forum format is when doing a search and a topic with multiple pages comes up you must manually "search" each page.
Stay with us, Arye ! The forum would be a drag if the threads were only about Ekos-vs-Aro/Lingo-vs-Geddon/52-250-vs-82-135.
But, please, no more Mana threads either
Total Registered Members: 1434
Total New Members: 101
Total Hours Usage Logged: 6501
Top Five Posters: Andrew Randle (126 Posts)
Jonathan Ribee (114 Posts)
Paul Stephenson (85 Posts)
John Clark (81 Posts)
Andrew L. Weekes (74 Posts)
Top Five Topic-Starters: Paul Stephenson (12 Posts)
Jaybar (11 Posts)
John Clark (11 Posts)
David Chandler (6 Posts)
Arye_Gur (5 Posts)
% of Members Who Posted: 26.49
Community Activity
Total Page Views: 314456
Average Page Views/Day: 10144
Total New Topics Created: 333
Five Most Popular Topics: Naim Upgrade or Mana Equipment? by Vic Romiszewski (with 217 posts and 9854 page views)
Name that Frame by Andrew Randle (with 203 posts and 7906 page views)
CDS 1 by tom harvey (with 34 posts and 2779 page views)
Joys and Tribulations of LP12 Ownership by James Jong (with 52 posts and 2403 page views)
What's the best naim? by woodface (with 28 posts and 1976 page views)
I, pre net days always fancied arranging a Naim owners club and when this forum technology became available it was a perfect vehicle for Naim enthusiast World wide to utilise.
Thanks for the invitation to stay here.
I reduced my posting here.
Most of the issues in the forum are coming again and again and I have a feeling that if you read the issues here for several months, you are finding yourself reading the same materials sometimes even with the same words.
So at first, I had a great interest to read the forum - but now I find myself less and less interested in what is going here.
But I love the members at this forum. As I involved in several forums, the members here are more pleasent and I think usually wiser (this includes me I hope ???) than usually, and I guess that maybe people who love to listen to music are sharing some equal characters each with the other.
I also thought that I'll be able to come to the Naim barbi but unfortunatly for me I can't.
In contrast, there’s a German hi-fi forum I sometimes read just to gross myself out. It is occupied by a merry group of “professional sound engineers” who advocate the idea that most CD players and amplifiers above a certain price point (approx. 300 quid) will not deliver more music, just more falsification, and slag off 1. any equipment that’s remotely British in character, 2. analogue technology (as something vastly inferior and outdated), and 3. anyone who does not bow to the linear test readout (if it’s not linear, it CANNOT sound good). Timing is a concept they mock! (I have to admit that, perhaps, the term “fast” is a bit misleading for these people – maybe they believe we are all in search of equipment that increases the beats per minute.) Sorry, just had to have a bit of a rant …
Anyway, many thanks to Naim for providing this platform. And it is somehow reassuring to see you’re not the only nutcase out there.
[This message was edited by Thomas Kunzler on SUNDAY 06 May 2001 at 10:25.]
Statistics reported for period of: April 1-30, 2001
Total Registered Members: 1523
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Jaybar (11 Posts)
RichardN (6 Posts)
denis54 (6 Posts)
Mick Parry (6 Posts)
% of Members Who Posted: 24.22
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Total New Topics Created: 344
Five Most Popular Topics: Fraim in MAY by Paul Stephenson (with 63 posts and 4693 page views)
Kan-alike poll by Tony Lonorgan (with 86 posts and 4269 page views)
Worst System Ever by Chris Bell (with 46 posts and 2798 page views)
Naim Logo by lobo (with 52 posts and 2491 page views)
Good Days vs Bad Days by James Jong (with 57 posts and 2418 page views)
Total Registered Members: 1616
Total New Members: 93
Total Hours Usage Logged: 6891
Top Five Posters: ken c (208 Posts)
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Sproggle (106 Posts)
Top Five Topic-Starters: ken c (12 Posts)
Alex S (11 Posts)
Paul Stephenson (10 Posts)
Alco (8 Posts)
Jaybar (7 Posts)
% of Members Who Posted: 23.08
Community Activity
Total Page Views: 363697
Average Page Views/Day: 11732
Total New Topics Created: 357
Five Most Popular Topics: ortofon kontrapunkt 'b' by ken c (with 92 posts and 3733 page views)
Vuk by Eric Barry (with 67 posts and 3300 page views)
What you always needed - a new Mana Thread by Jonathan Ribee (with 64 posts and 2684 page views)
The Madness of What Hi-fi by Kevin Grainger (with 46 posts and 2595 page views)
All in a name? by Frank Abela (with 53 posts and 2552 page views)
Andrew (not as sad as last month)
Andrew Randle
2B || !2B;
4 ^ = ?;