It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood (la la la)

Posted by: ErikL on 29 July 2004

Living in a shithole apartment building (i.e. cheap), I get lots of miscreants and losers living adjacent to me. Now I have:

1) A permiscuous young dreadlocked (white hippy) lady who enjoys regular romps with an ever-changing cast of characters (see miscreants- above) and REALLY loud D&B, and

2) A pathetic singer/songwriter who sounds like a Scott Weiland Unplugged(tm) wannabe with a voice as flat as a floorboard yet balls like melons (he sings way too loud, too proud, and too often given his awful voice). Actually... it could be Scott Weiland himself!

What to do? Help me. Please.

PS- Any ideas on how to record then post the sounds of #2 above on the forum? I guarantee you'd all laugh your asses off!
Posted on: 13 August 2004 by Markus S

toy around a little with the concepts of CCTV, webcams, sites (or alternatively MTV)... you could be this close to a million dollar idea.
Posted on: 13 August 2004 by Matthew T
Scott Weiland guy

Suggest you think he should try for a recording contract somewhere else (in a nice way), maybe on the otherside of the country. Make sure he really thinks he is actually good, that way he will hopefully end up going on some hopeless trip to somewhere else. Least ways, if he thinks that you think he is not bad, and you ask him to stop for a while because you have an alledged headache then he might shutup for a while.

Not sure about the other side. Ear plugs?
