Compare cd players to TT is not relevant

Posted by: Arye_Gur on 25 January 2001

Nigelp says
This really is a very special machine which is built beautifully and delivers the closest sound I have ever heard to the best in viny

I think that the quality of sound of cd players shouldn't be compared to TT.

First, I think that in terms of geting pleasure while listening, the good cd players don't give less pleasure than the TT.

Second, there are persons - and maybe even members
here who don't know the sound of a TT and maybe will never know.
Good or not, is a fact of life and somehow it seems to me that sticking to the TT sound as a base for quality is old fationed and has no value.

cd players have a charcter of their own, TT too have character and even the LP12 - some will tell that it is not as good as others think so if a person thinks that a cd player is the best among others, he doesn't have to "prove" it by saying that the machine has a close sound to the best TT sound (which for itself it is an argueable statement)


PS I rate my self with 1 star to save work from the one who does it ...

Posted on: 25 January 2001 by Top Cat
...the point is that they both play music, so why shouldn't we compare them to establish which provides us with the most meaningful, communicative and fulfilling musical experience?

My bets are on a fully loaded LP12 on Mana beating pretty much anything else assuming that the vinyl is good. Haven't heard a CDSII, but the CD12 I heard was pretty good and I could live with that (although, at 2/3 the price of a used TVR Chimaera, I know where my money would go ;-)


Posted on: 25 January 2001 by Robbie

I agree with you.The pleasure is not in the player or tt it's in the music.


Posted on: 25 January 2001 by Arye_Gur
John and Jason,

There are members who have both cd players and TT
and think that there are examples when cd's recordings sound better than the same recordings on LP's.
So the thoght that everyone thinks naturaly that lp's sound better than cd's is not a correct thoufgt and therefore I think that if you want to state that a cd player is a good one, you can't count on the thought that if the sound is as good as a sound of a TT - everyone understands it as you understand it.

And by myself I also think that it is not a fact of life, sometimes cd player sounds better than a TT and a value of a cd player is not in the question of "how does it stand against a TT".


Posted on: 25 January 2001 by Martin M
Jason, upon which basis did the turntable win? I can't see how there can be a hard, fast rule like that.

For my part there are some recordings that I prefer CD to Vinyl and vice versa on others. I tend to find that where the source recording is digital I prefer the CD, analogue the LP, albeit with odd exception.

From my point the Turntable and CD Player are just tools for a job - to help reproduce a recording in my home. Which ever tools makes the recording sound most like music to me gets the job!

E.g Compare the Donald Fagen's The Nightfly On CD and LP and I guess you'll go for the Cd, try the same with Little Feat's Waiting For Columbus and I'd be surprised if you didn't go for the LP.

Right, where's my copy of Feats Don't Fail Me Now......

[This message was edited by Martin M on THURSDAY 25 January 2001 at 13:22.]

Posted on: 25 January 2001 by Andrew L. Weekes
Surely the original context of Nigel's comment was that the CD12 gave the closest sound that HE had heard to the best in Vinyl. I also infer from this that until now the best sound that he had heard came from the best vinyl sources.

As a comparitive tool I would have thought it much more valid than saying the CD12 is significantly better than a CD5 (for example) - doesn't tell us as much does it?

At the end of the day both media are just a tool to allow us to enjoy music, I therefore see no reason not to compare. The important result should be the musical performance, not the equipment used to acheive it.

He did also compare the CD12 with the best alternatives in CD replay, so I fail to see the problem. His comments speak equally to TT and non-TT owning readers - a good balanced review IMHO!

Frankly as an LP12 owner I don't care which is 'best', providing they both provide me with musical enjoyment (which they do). I just want the best musical performance I can afford, for each option.


Andrew L. Weekes

Posted on: 25 January 2001 by Simon Matthews
The new steely dan CD remasters are a lot better than the earlier CD's. However, they still do not match the original vinyl pressings for depth,scale, flow, and all round realism - this ( to my ears )includes the nightfly, which belies the expectation of a digital recording automatically having a disadvantage on vinyl. I have plenty of digitally recorded vinyl sounding much more musical than the CD version. There is more to it than that.

(lp12/aro/lingo/prefix/x1 Vs CDS1)

Posted on: 25 January 2001 by NigelP

I hope I haven't caused a divide here!

I did intentionally try to create a balanced report based upon comparing CD players. The LP12 is my reference point since I have a large vinyl collection. Put quite simply I reviewed CD players from £2,000 to £12,000 and published the results of my findings.
The findings were not reviewed against an LP12 side by side. No direct vinyl/CD comparison was made. The important thing for me is to generate the same emotions that I get from LP12. I also want to make sure that I am not viewed as championing the LP12 as the ultimate TT. It's one that makes my spine tingle when I listen to a great track. With the review of CD's I carried out - 2 CD players did this for ME. The others were all good but I am choosing one that I want to live with for the rest of my days. That's the basis of my choice.


Posted on: 25 January 2001 by Martin M
Call it constructive discussion! I like the LP-12 too, when you put a good slab of vinyl on the music is just fabulous. I do like the prospect of a CD12/52/500/N802 system.

Perhaps you could be our own sonic 'Red Adair'. Any chance of you lending an ear to a Rockport Sirius turntable??

Posted on: 25 January 2001 by Arye_Gur

It is a kind of appraoch, taken not only by you, to compare a cd player to a TT.
I quoted you because I think your sentence represents this approach.
