To Vuk and others...

Posted by: Bas V on 26 October 2000

I have updated my profile. Not my full name, but when you read it, you'll probably have a better "picture" of me!

Regards, Bas V

Posted on: 27 October 2000 by Rico
hey Bas, I enjoyed the read!

When I finish my education, I will probably get an appartment with my girlfriend and then she'll get a word in it too ;-) Oh well, just a matter of getting the right job and the right appartment!

Here's one - get the right girlfriend (you can tweak instead of upgrading here) ... then the black-box addiction is no problem!

Rico - musichead

Posted on: 27 October 2000 by Bas V
Oh Rico, if you only knew how hard I've tried...

But seriously, I have never had a girlfriend who was really bothered by this hobby. They all kinda liked it. It keeps me off the streets!

But I also know a guy who had this girlfriend that made him choose between his setup and her. Well you know, he had a very expensive Krell setup and I guess that's why the girl couldn't see the guy's point. If only he had had a Naim... But the guy wasn't that smart and so his girl left him...

The end.