
Posted by: Don Braid on 26 September 2000

As a journalist - yes, tis true - I learned long ago that the stupidest thing you can do is to pretend you know something you don't.
And so, with trepitation, I ask:
Exactly what the hell is PRaT?


[This message was edited by Don Braid on WEDNESDAY 27 September 2000 at 04:49.]

The message was edited only because I spelled my own name wrong - another problem journalists have.
Why do they have that stupid edit line anyway?

[This message was edited by Don Braid on WEDNESDAY 27 September 2000 at 04:51.]

They did it again.

[This message was edited by Don Braid on WEDNESDAY 27 September 2000 at 04:51.]

And again

[This message was edited by Don Braid on WEDNESDAY 27 September 2000 at 04:52.]

I'll go mad . . .

[This message was edited by Don Braid on WEDNESDAY 27 September 2000 at 04:53.]


[This message was edited by Don Braid on WEDNESDAY 27 September 2000 at 05:01.]

Posted on: 27 September 2000 by Andrew Randle
Pace, Rhythm and Timing.

The only PRaT I will more than tolerate.



Andrew Randle
2B || !2B;
4 ^ = ?;

Posted on: 27 September 2000 by Don Braid
Thanks, Andrew. Now I understand the difference between a PRaT and a git. I am Canadian, so you'll understand that English is not my native language.


Posted on: 27 September 2000 by David Antonelli

This reminds me of a tale:

I was with a friend from Leeds in LA about 8 years ago and we were Jay Walking (oh no!) at about midnight after a few pitchers (they don't have pints in America) down at the local Mexican bar. We were suddenly stopped by two policemen who made us stand against the wall, a searchlight blazing on our backs, while they searched us. They asked my friend where he was from and he replied with his thick accent that he was from leeds. The police then shouted in his ear

"Speak English, you're in America!"
to which he replied
"I am speaking English you stupid Yank"

This precipitated a long episode involving police batons, a trip to the station, and a couiple of 100 buck tickets for disorderly behavior (we got off without the Rodney King Special because we explained we were Postdocs at Caltech and were just rushing back to the lab for a late night experiment when this obvious misunderstanding occured.)

dave (PRAT of a different color)!