Mana or Hutter results
Posted by: Arye_Gur on 17 January 2001
I think it is a good number although maybe it is not presise for conglusions +- 5% error or more.
47% of the members are using Mana and 38% think it is the best.
9% are using Hutter and 27% think it is the best.
35% don't use mana and 15% don't think that one of the four leading manufactures is the bet.
So I think (and now I have a little experience - will tell you in several days) that Mana is a very difficult stand to use - I think it can be very por quality if not sited with extra care and knowledge and that why those who own Mana are posting so many posts about it (aslo I think they should do it on the Mana forum).
If someone thinks other outcomes - please let us know.
[This message was edited by Arie_Gur on THURSDAY 18 January 2001 at 12:15.]