Mana or Hutter results

Posted by: Arye_Gur on 17 January 2001

26 members voted for which is better and 34 voted for what they use.

I think it is a good number although maybe it is not presise for conglusions +- 5% error or more.

47% of the members are using Mana and 38% think it is the best.
9% are using Hutter and 27% think it is the best.

35% don't use mana and 15% don't think that one of the four leading manufactures is the bet.

So I think (and now I have a little experience - will tell you in several days) that Mana is a very difficult stand to use - I think it can be very por quality if not sited with extra care and knowledge and that why those who own Mana are posting so many posts about it (aslo I think they should do it on the Mana forum).

If someone thinks other outcomes - please let us know.


[This message was edited by Arie_Gur on THURSDAY 18 January 2001 at 12:15.]

Posted on: 18 January 2001 by Arye_Gur
Is it John from mana by himself that marks all posts that may appear no to favour Mana with 1 "*"
only ?


Posted on: 18 January 2001 by Arye_Gur

What are yours ?

I think it is better to write what you are thinking and not just cancel other man's thoghts.


Posted on: 18 January 2001 by Naheed
Arie, i hope you don't buy all your gear with this form of reasoning. (yes i use mana), but frankly everything is down to personal preference, simply as that.

It's stupid/pointless trying to summate sonic improvements/preferences without listening.

You say "you have little experience", well it shows...


Posted on: 18 January 2001 by Arye_Gur
Naheed @ Dozy,

There are many posts about Mana here. Many of the posters are telling us how good is mana.
If you want to take the votes as they are telling something ( you can think it is nothing), then the posts about mana are more than the nomber of members who use Mana compare to the nomber of members who don't.

So I think with my fucking brain, that they should be here posts about other stands at least at the same nomber as on Mana - and bear in mind that Mana has its own forum.
So why more posts about mana than on others ?

Meantime Omer gave me his soundframe - and it seems to me now- after several hours of trying to work with it, that is is difficult to site and gives bad resulte due to unproper seeting - I guess.

So my second thought is that the many posts about Mana are not because it is so good.

But ofcourse those are thoughts only .


[This message was edited by Arie_Gur on THURSDAY 18 January 2001 at 13:33.]

Posted on: 18 January 2001 by Tony L
So my second thought is that the many posts about Mana are not because it is so good.

I think you would find more posts saying "Mana is not very good" if that were true.

Keep trying with Omer's stand - patience pays off. Mana is not hard to set up, if you follow JW's clear instructions on the Mana Forum you won't go wrong.


Posted on: 18 January 2001 by Naheed
Come one Arie, the Soundframe's easy to set-up.

Level of the bottom spikes, the do the same with the top (just past pinch tight), except one at the front. Use this the tune the glass. After that give it at least 3 days so you and the stage can settle-in adjust. Even the Hutter improves with time.


Posted on: 18 January 2001 by Arye_Gur

so you and the stage can settle-in adjust

I'll settle in adjust.

If it is as easy to set as you said - then it so bad that it is a waste of time to deal with it !


Posted on: 18 January 2001 by Naheed
Arie, i'm glad your willing to give it another try, i probably would'nt in your situation.

But, I was much the same when i started with Mana, the whole set-up thing was fairly daunting to me (at first), and after 3 days i still wasn't really convinced, and did call Mana with a return in mind. However, i persevered and the rewards for me were nothing short of staggering.

Anyway, after all is said and done, at least you're having a go (i applaud you for that), if it does'nt work out then fine.


Posted on: 18 January 2001 by Arye_Gur
Yesterday I visited Omer's apartment.
I hope Omer will not be angree with me if I tell you that he lives in a lovely apartment in the middle of the noisy Tel Aviv - but his apartment located in a very quiet steet only few minutes
walking from one of the centers of the city.

About Omer's system - a dream.
Cdi, 82 with two Hicaps and two 135's - who needs more. When I listened to Omer's system I remembered another friend I told you about him who has a very expensive Vac system (I'm not sure that it is not more expensive than Omer's ) where is the Vac and where is Naim - (and Omer has poor speakers compare to the system and compare too the one with the Vac).
A great sound all around, a great pleasure to listen to.

What about the Mana ?
I feel inconvenience. I set the Mana yeterday with Omer help at the phone.
It sounded very bad yesterday.
This morning I listened again - and still sounded very bad. Harsh, no bas terrible.

When I came back from work, I listen again - and I'm still listening - and was taken by a great surprise. A great sound, excelent lows and the most interesting is a great image - one I'd never had before.
What happened - the stand goes warm ?

So I take of my hat, this soundframe is a great device.

Hutter or base have such a thing ?

Omer , maybe I'll ask you to order togetehr - I may buy two - for the cd and for the Lp12.


PS - Omer - when shold I return the table ? roll eyes

Posted on: 18 January 2001 by ken c
arie, congratulations!!!

i am really pleased you have tried the soundframe and made your own conclusions.

are you going to try the hutter as well, or have you now decided to settle for the mana frames?



Posted on: 18 January 2001 by Arye_Gur
Mana and Hutter have no dealers in Israel.
It is very nice of Omer who gave me his soundframe to try it at my home - otherwise I couldn't check it.
Do Hutter has such a device like the soundframe ?

As I see the soundframe is a very good device and it is not too expensive - and I can't test another device, I think I'll buy two soundframes
for the CDI and the LP12.
