Posted by: Dobbin on 29 November 2000
Looking to replace my 72/90. At the same time I'm going to make a long overdue upgrade to my cartridge, (still using a K9).
It has been suggested that the Dynavector D17 would be a better way to go, (Klyde too unreliable apparently). BTW it will go in the Ekos on my Mana'ed, Lingo'ed, Cirkus'ed LP12.
Alternative suggestions, experiences and opinions please.
I have an identical LP12 set-up (less the M***), and 72/180. The 17D2 is an awesome cartridge for the price. The only real alternatives to it are some of the Lyra's (forget which models), but these are more expensive.
The 17d2 must rate as one of the best, if not the best in it's price range.
I have a spare set of these & thought that this could be my next cartridge.
Cant remember what boards are in my 72. Will have to check. Will try and post later tonight, or tomorrow, which they are.
I went from K9 to 17D2 on a LP12/Ittok(Cirkus coming soon)/42.5/180. The Dynie is great value and does work well with K boards.
Is the "Infidelity" the one in Kingston? I went in for a new cartridge and came out with a Nap 180 as well! (Salesmen eh!)
I have a Dynavector 17D2 and think it is one of the worst cartridges I've heard - thin, bright, with no bass.
I had no idea that it could sound like this. I've got a 10x4 at the moment & am fairly pleased with it. I thought I might treat myself to a 17D2 on the assumption that
it was similar but with _more_ bass, authority, weight etc.: Have you heard a 10x4 & if so did you find that on the lean side as well?
Anyone out there gone from a 10x4 to a 17D2, if so how was it for you?
I have just taken a very similar step to yours, upgrading my 42.5/Hicap/110 with MM boards to a 82/Hicap/250 with MC boards. Rather than replace the boards on the 82 to suit my ageing K18 (LP12/Lingo/Ittok LVIII)I decided to splash out on a new cartridge. I ended up purchasing an Ortofon MC Rohmann (available for UK700 in Germany, where I was on holiday). While I cannot compare this cartridge to the other ones mentioned in the poll, I can tell you that this change has completely altered my listening habits. Whereas previously I tended to spin the silver discs on my CDX, in preference to the black plastic, now vinyl is clearly the superior source, and I find myself scanning the net for LPs rather than CDs.
I have recently loaned it to another forum participant who came to exactly the same conclusion. (Perhaps he can be persuaded to materialise and add his comments?)
It was me. The 17D2 was the earlier very, very low output version, to get the volume level about the same as my CD at 'quarter to' had the knob at about 'ten past'.
I can certainly see some very good traits in this cartridge, it tracks very well indeed, and has a mid and top that is remarkably clear and free of grain - all these areas are much better than my Lydian B. The problem is that it is remarkably bass shy. The bass note is clearly audible, but it has absolutely no weight or slam, this seems to have an effect on dynamics too, giving a small and thin sound when compared to my CD player.
If I could have the smoothness, tracking ability, and lack of grain of the 17D2 coupled with the dynamics, punch and incredible timing of the Lyra I would be happy, especially if I could afford what ever did it.
Just to let you know I am using S boards with my 17d2, so not much help there as to whether it works with K boards.
As to the other comments, the dynavector does not have the heaviest bass around, but does have enough slam and is very tuneful at the bottom end, especially since I upgraded my Linn Index II's for IBL's.
My Lydian is just a bit harsh and forward, and also emphasises surface noise a bit to much to be a good balance with my Kans. I am looking for a good (cheapish) cartridge that is warmer, smoother, and better at tracking than the Lydian B.
I am also very interested in the 20XL - anyone got any comments?
Listener found Lyra's to have the least amount of surface noise in a recent showdown. My experience with a Clavis as compared to an Exact certainly bears that out. Is the Lydian noiser than the Clavis? I've never compared them.
Bliemy, 2.5K for a cartridge, I should think it must be fantastic. At that price I don't think I could persuade Janet to go for it.
It sounds like the move up to a 17D2 worked well for you. Do you think it would be OK to use my K boards with it?
Best wishes,
PS: Went for Hutter in the end. I'm over the moon with it. Thanks for all your kind input.
I had a 17D2 as a spare to my Troika a couple of years ago and have lots of experience with it. I thought the top and mid were lovely but found it bass light, but it tracked really well. The bass lightess was a problem for me personally as I was used to a Troika which had awesome bass. (at the time I was using the LP12/Aro/Arg/Prefix and MANA).
Apparently the high output version has better bass. But I wouldn't say that the Dynavectors had a warm balance.
The 20XL is an excellent cartridge, samish body as the XX1-L, not a million miles away in sound either and great value IMHO.