Upgrade advice sought

Posted by: Engelbert on 23 December 2000

My current kit, purchased new over the last 18 months, consists of: CDSII, 52, 250, SBLs, all housed in a "Soundstyle" tripod rack (glass shelves model). Also, I have had the dedicated mains and spur trick done.

Question is (as always!) where to next?

Have been thinking mostly about amplification. I could go to 135s immediately - or save for the next 12 months and get a 500. I note the 500 is about three times the price of a pair of 135s.

I'd like to know whether you think a 500 would be three times as good as 135s on my present kit. Is it worth waiting a year for a 500 (and avoiding the 135s intermediate step)?

Are there better alternatives - NBLs? (my room is a bit small for DBLs); going active with 135s? - or anything I haven't thought of?

By the way, Forum administrators, I note there is no reference to the 500 on the "suggested systems" on the website. I assume this little update project is a New Year resolution!

Finally, to everyone, I've greatly enjoyed your company on the Forum over the last year. Thanks Naim for providing this important dimension to our lives! May we all enjoy healthy debate (and rewarding listening!) through 2001.

Merry Christmas, Rob

Posted on: 23 December 2000 by Bob Edwards

Forget the 135s--save and get the 500. It is in an entirely different class, even for someone who just downgraded a bit. It isn't even close.

And to answer your question--yeah, a 500 really is 3 times better than a pair of 135s. In fact, the greatest system I have heard was a 500 driving SBLs passively--IMO greatly preferable to SNAXO/Supercap/4x135.

Cheers and happy holidays !

Bob @ Qwest

Ride the Light !

Posted on: 23 December 2000 by Arun Mehan
Rob, the 500 is truly amazing. When I heard passive 135s on the NBLs, it was my first time hearing NBLs and they didn't impress. But on the end of a 500, it was a truly different speaker! The control and the bass, wow. You really need to hear it for yourself. I bet that beast could handle any speaker you through at it.

I'm not that familiar with SBLs but I trust Bob Edwards' opinion and ears.

Even though it's not in my religion (Hindu), Merry Christmas to all and may the new year bring everyone something from the new 5 series wink

Posted on: 23 December 2000 by Andrew Randle
My advice is to try the difference between active 135s and a passive 500.

While the 500 is a superb amp, from current experience I prefer the active effect to a passive 500.

Although, the two systems (passive 500/NBLs v active 135/NBLs) were in different rooms... something I may devote a whole thread to.

However, I'm suspecting that a corrected phase response is more to my liking. Make the direct comparison, and then you'll know. I'll do the same when the time is right


Andrew Randle
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Posted on: 23 December 2000 by Erik
500 passive is much better than a six-pack on DBLs (unfortunately a friends system, not mine). Even the clean-ness and silence is better so the passive filter can't be that destroyer I have thought before.
BUT if You can find space for NBLs You can have DBLs. They may look bigger but the NBLs are quite deep.
