New to Naim need advice

Posted by: Emil on 26 January 2001

im quite impressed with the enthusiasm here so I decided to get my feet wet. I have been looking at the used market lately and have seen a few nait 3 for sale. I recently came acroos an ad for
a Nap140n and NAC 42.5 for sale for roughly the same price. I would appreciate your comments regarding the two.


Posted on: 26 January 2001 by Mike Hanson
It's that simple. The Nait3 is a nice little amp, but the 42.5/110 combo is much better, and should be cheaper too. If you can, try to find a 32.5/110, as it's that much better again, for a very small increase in cost. Catch you later!

-=> Mike Hanson <=-

Posted on: 26 January 2001 by Mike Hanson
Yeah, isn't that funny how most people who post on that forum end up acting as childish and "potty mouthed" as the rest of the Mana brood. Makes ya wonder...

Now you have a really nice, sunshiney day, Ross. wink Catch you later!

-=> Mike Hanson <=-