
Posted by: Bas V on 23 November 2000


I just wanted to inform all of you that I have sold my REL Stadium II, and replaced my MA Studio 2's for Intro's.
Now, this is bass! They are pretty fast sounding. I miss some of the warmth of the MA's, especially in voices, but further they are really good. I just placed them a couple of cm's from the rear wall and they sounded great instantly. I don't need a sub anymore!
The NAT03 I bought also sounds great too. But, for the time being, I'll have to use cable. I cannot place an antenna here. Any suggestions for a decent wire?
And finally, thanks to Alco, I have found a decent s/hand Naim dealer. He has some good stuff and at fair prices. Think I'll go for a HiCap first, then a 72/102 or 82 and a 250. Life can be wonderful. Thanks Naim!

Regards, Bas V

BTW I have Intro 1's with the external XO

Posted on: 23 November 2000 by Willem van Gemert
Hello Bas,

Congratulations on your new purchases. In my experience the bass only improves when moving up the Naim chain and adding power supplies, so you better be ready for even more bass in the future.

As for the NAT 03, good move. Especially since you're living in Holland with such great radio broadcasting. I've tried an antenna at my place, but it doesn't work well, so I'm forced to use the cable as well. Sounds pretty good. My tuner is connected via a MIT-cable. This cable is quite expensive, but I found it's better than a standard coax cable. I noticed the difference especially with live broadcastings. Try before buying.



Posted on: 23 November 2000 by Naheed
Bas, i had (still have) Intros for 2 yrs and loved them, only at high db's did they lose their way.

When i upgraded to SBLs, the difference was'nt huge, but as i changed components/stands the SBLs just got better.

Conclusion, the Intros v1.0 are superb speakers, but limit better systems, the SBLs just keep getting better...


Posted on: 23 November 2000 by Top Cat
...to hear that you sold the REL - were you having problems with it, or was it simply a case of you wanting a single pair of 'full-range' speakers to do the job instead of more restricted range speakers and the sub?

I wouldn't part with my RELs for love nor money. Well, okay, I might part with one of them (two is excessive - enough bass to cause the sofa to vibrate violently (seriously!) - but I couldn't possible conceive of losing that bottom octave or two...


Posted on: 23 November 2000 by Bas V
Hi John!
I already told you what I didn't like about the REL a while ago. It was sometimes just too much. The Intro's bass is way better in my ears. Fast and deep enough. I will miss the REL sometimes, I know, but on the whole I think I have a better package now.

Hi Willem!
Do you think I should use a simple antenna (you know, those silly wire things) or the cable. I cannot place an antenna here, so what's next best?


Bas V

Posted on: 23 November 2000 by Arun Mehan
Come on Bas, I wanted to read that you bought the 102! Nope I'm not giving up that easily and yes, you do own Naim while I do not. Very nice

I'm going to hear a NAP500/NBL based system tonight and yes, I'm bringing my $0 balance cheque book

Ah, the student life...

Posted on: 24 November 2000 by Willem van Gemert

You'll have to try it at your place. I have both a Fanfare FM-2G and a Dynalab Silver Ribbon antenna, but neither work well at my place. So the only solution left for me is the cable. I'm quite happy with the signal, although I know the result with a decent antenna would be way better. Vuk and others reported succes with a cheap Chinese antenna, but I don't know where you can find one of those.

