Source first (from a Stereo p.o.v.)
Posted by: Bas V on 31 October 2000
As I was going through some stuff I found an article in Stereo 10/1999 about the source first question. The starting point was that one should spent equal amounts of money on all components or a bit more on speakers!
They made a comparison between two setups: CDSII/Nait3/Intro's (I'll call this A) and CD3.5/NAC82?NAP180/SBL's (I'll call this B). I don't know if you know this article, I'll post a summary anyway. I'll translate from German, so forgive me weird constructions (if any).
"The setup which was made against common sense (A) played directly into the hearts of the listeners. When the other setup (B) was listened to under exactly the same conditions, it played very convincing. This setup played very clean and lively. But, setup B couldn't make any of the listeners as happy as setup A. All of the listeners said they would put their money in setup A. The strange situation was there, that what was being delivered by setup B was better in "HIFI" terms, but from a musical view it was bettered by setup A."
It seems they agree with the "source first generation". When they connected al the expensive Naim stuff in one setup, it sounded best of course. But the CDSII/Nait3/intro's made everybody very happy!
Regards, Bas V (who agrees)