"Ham or Smith" show
Posted by: Jonathan Gorse on 12 August 2000
So who's going then to Hammersmith? And are naim going to let us know what they'll be demoing there. Will the 500/DBL's be putting in an appearance?
I've been toying with if there's a way of us forum members identifying ourselves to fellow forum members. I've come up with the idea of a t-shirt so far with some sort of naim forum related branding on it but am unsure whether I'm being a nerd about this or if it's a good idea - what do the rest of you think? It just strikes me that -it is an annual opportunity to meet for a drink in the bar or whatever. Maybe we should all just order a naim t-shirt off the web-site (do I get a free one for boosting your sales Mark???!!)
(Waiting for hicap delivery... eagerly)
[This message was edited by Jonathan Gorse on SATURDAY 12 August 2000 at 19:31.]