Pink Triangle Projects
Posted by: Andrew Randle on 25 November 2000
"Linn... Michelle... Roksan... oh yeah, whatever happened to Pink Triangle? Haven't heard much from them nowadays".
I remembered hearing their Tarantulla turntable and Numeral cd player and how sublime and musical they were.
They were also one of the more quirky manufacturers out there. Their last set of adverts were - let's just say "lived up to their name" - not my kind of scene but amusing to find at the back of a conservative publication.
I found their website was still up and running - however the last date of modification in 1997 sent alarm bells ringing.
Then I found them in the following link,
Ooooh deeeear. They've ceased trading for 2 years and no-ones seemed to have noticed... bugger (oops!).
Shame to see such talent, ideas and individuality go to the wall. More PT TOO, less ME TOO.
Andrew Randle
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