Driving Test

Posted by: matthewr on 22 October 2004

Ok, he's a couple of quick surveys about your views on driving.

#1 Attitudes to Driving

Below are some statements about driving. For each one, indicate how much you agree or disagree by writing down the appropriate number using the following scale:

1 - Strongly Agree
2 - Agree
3 - Neither agree or disagree
4 - Disagree
5 - Strongly Disagree

So, for example, if you strongly agree, write down 1.

"Decreasing the speed limit on motorways is a good idea"

"Even at night time on quiet roads it is important to keep within the speed limit"

"Drivers who cause accidents by reckless driving should be banned from driving for life"

"People shuold drive slower than the limit when it's raining"

"Cars should never overtake on the inside lane even if a slow driver is blocking the outside lane"

"Penalties for speeding should be more severe"

"In towns where there are a lot of pedestrians, the speed limit should be 20mph"

Add up the total of the numbers you have written down, and post this total. The individual answers are not required, just the total.

#2 Driving Speed

With this test, write down the number corresponding to the answer that applies yo your during your normal everyday driving, from the following scale:

1 - Never or very infrequently
2 - Quite infrequently
3 - Infrequently
4 - Frequently
5 - Always
