$1k cd players vs. used

Posted by: Eric Barry on 27 October 2000

Has anyone heard the Creek CD43 or the new Rega Planet?

How would these compare to an older Creek, a Cal Icon mk. II, Micromega, or old-style Planet all available for around $400 or less? Or anything else worth hearing for the same money?


Posted on: 27 October 2000 by Roger Ridley
I recently purchased a Rega Planet - the dealer didn't say anything about a new model. When did this come out and what are the differences?


Posted on: 28 October 2000 by Mike Hanson
I haven't had a chance to hear the new Planet yet. However, you can tell it from the earlier one, because the loading bay is in the center of the top, rather than on the left-hand side. Apparently it's supposed to sound better, but I can't qualify it further than that. Catch you later!

-=> Mike Hanson <=-

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