Forum Fodder

Posted by: Arthur Bye on 07 October 2000

The new Forum has been up and running for two months now. I think we've all had enough time to evaluate it in comparison to the old Forum. For myself, I am satisfied in that the Forum exists at all and would like to thank Naim for finding a way to keep it going.

Is it as good as the old Forum? No, but I'll take what I can get. As far as I can tell there are not many other manufacturers out there at all that have any forums.

Can it be improved? Yes, but I think I would be satisfied sufficiently if they could go back to the threading that the prior Forum had.

What do I miss the most? I think that the threading format of the old Forum allowed for more direct responses to individual postings. I think that this made for more interesting banter. The inability to respond to individual posts has toned things down a lot and has made for less interesting dialog. All you have to do is look at the Mana Forum to see the difference. There is a much more volatile interaction
(read: interesting) on the Mana Forum as a result. Seems as though we've all been castrated on the Naim Forum in comparison.

Even so, there have been quite a few threads that have proven quite interesting (tossers & weenies, Mana)

To Paul, Mark, etal: Thank you for your efforts to date, they are appreciated.

It sure would be nice though if you could go back to the threading that we had before.

That would be enough for me, assuming that you've now resolved the "out to lunch" logjam problems.

Arthur Bye

Posted on: 07 October 2000 by Don Braid
The inability to respond to individual posts has toned things down a lot and has made for less interesting dialog

I second that heartily, Arthur. I used to get annoyed at some of our resident pests and scolds. Now I miss the critters. Bring back the banter.


Posted on: 08 October 2000 by Martin Payne

although on balance I prefer the old software to the new at least we still have a conference.

However, I do know of at least one avid Naim buyer who won't use it, and feels it reflects very badly on Naim.

For myself, I would like to request a couple of simple configuration changes to the layout. The list of postings currently show the 50 most recently updated topics. Could this be reduced - to 25 or perhaps even 20?

Conversely, when you click on a topic only the first 20 postings are displayed. Often the new postings are spread across the last two pages, which makes it much more annoying to hunt for them. Could this be increased so the first 100 posts in a topic are shown?

My main reason for requesting these changes, however, is that I'm trying to use Internet Explorer to 'subscribe' to the first page of each of the forums. This downloads a copy of each of the 50 topics which is listed. The first problem is that it downloads all 50 threads when only 10 or 15 are changed. The second is that I only get the first 19 responses which is of no use when there are 50+ on the more active discussions.

These changes would make it more convenient for me to browse any changes off-line, and would also be more convenient for everyone.

cheers, Martin

[This message was edited by Martin Payne on SUNDAY 08 October 2000 at 11:00.]

Posted on: 08 October 2000 by Paul Stephenson
We will keep working with infopop on the treading issue,email notification of postings, viewing of line etc. The last copule of weeks hace been bumpy but up-dates have now happened which should improve the service, fingers crossed.