Upgrade Question

Posted by: Dev B on 08 November 2000

Priorities are low colouration (I hate midrange colourations) and the ability to play loudly without strain.


Posted on: 08 November 2000 by Tony L

Seeing as you already have a pair of SBLs (in beech), and some 135s, the cost of going to one 500 is feasable at around the same price as your DBL / NBL options. Hmmm.

DBLs would probably still get my vote. I have never heard anything I remotely like come out of NBLs... yet. Which speakers would fit the room best?


Posted on: 08 November 2000 by Rico

if you insist on not taking the obvious step of plonking a 500 in behind your SBL's, I guess DBL's on 135's would have to be the option, being that DBL's are so marvellous... and then, after all, you'd have the passive x-o to move on to a 500 later.

The simplicity of the 500 + DBL solution is that you will not be forced to bear in mind the petite proportions of the DBL when shopping for future deal-estate deals, and you have the added attraction of disposing of one pair (to arrive at an 'Ulrich Hohn' 500/135/SBL setup), or two pairs of 135's, and subsequently HiCap+SNAXO too. Good for the punters (eg - Meeeee! for a pair of 135's (yeah I know, get in line)), and good for domestic simplicity.

Not bad eh? - all that from the 'Lucky 8 ball'!

Voting buttons do not a forum make?

Rico - musichead