BNC headaches

Posted by: Gromit on 26 December 2000

After a season of frantic Christmas purchases, my system stands at

Rega Planar 3 (upgraded with new motor)
Naim CD5
Naim FlatCap2
Naim 102
Naim 180
Epos ES12

I am sure some of you out there has gone through this before so please enlighten me. Would you:

a/ modify the leads on the Rega to be BNC?

b/ modify the 102 to accept RCA plugs?

c/ ditch the Rega and go for a Rega 25 since the leads would be easier to modify?

d/ ditch them all and by a LP12 with an ARO arm?

I have tried converters and they do not work. Sounded like all the high frequencies were sucked out! Giving up my records is out of the question; love the sound too much and I cannot afford a CDS2... yet.

Posted on: 27 December 2000 by Mick P

I have a Garrard 401 fitted with a Rega RB300 arm which was originally supplied with the conventional phono connections. This was ok with my 32.5 which had phono connections as well.

Last year, I replaced the 32.5 with a 82 pre amp which had BNC connectors fitted as standard.

I temporaraly fitted BNC/phono adaptors which were ok. however, during a chance conversation with Loricraft (who are a small firm who service Garrard) I was informed that fitting BNC's to the end of the Rega lead is in itself, a brilliant upgrade.

He did this for me for the price of a pint and the difference in sound was certainly noticeable.

For the low cost involved.....its a no brainer.



Posted on: 27 December 2000 by Michael Dale
I had this done to my Akito when I got my 72 and it sounded better than the adaptors. Modify the arm cable. Do not, as previous owner of my 82 did, fit phono sockets to the back of the pre-amp!!!
Posted on: 27 December 2000 by Gromit
Thanks for your responses, Mick and Michael. Since the 102 is new and the Rega is not, and now with your comments about BNC connectors making the turntable sound better, I guess it really is a no-brainer. It does mean, however, that it would be more difficult to sell my Rega if I ever decide to upgrade (unless the next owner owns Naim equipment, too).
Posted on: 27 December 2000 by Andrew L. Weekes

It does mean, however, that it would be more difficult to sell my Rega if I ever decide to upgrade (unless the next owner owns Naim equipment, too).

It will be a simple job to remove the BNC's and refit phono's for the next owner.

I'm not sure if things have changed over the years, but from my memory of owning a Planar3 / RB300 the arm cable is quite thin.

You need to ensure that you obtain the right size/type BNC connector for that cable. BNC's come in two impedances (50 ohm / 75 ohm) I believe that Naim use 75 ohm, but I'm sure they can confirm this.

You then need to choose a BNC with the correct cable entry size (or the closest match). The connectors will be defined by the type of coaxial cable (radio frequency type cables) that they are designed to work with, numbers such as URM76, RG174 etc.

As a guess, from memory, I would think the arm cable is similar in dimensions to RG179, this being the closest 75 ohm RF cable match.

Try to obtain soldered connectors, not twist-on or crimp, my own preference (for simplicity of installation and quality) being MACOM / Greenpar types.


Andrew L. Weekes

Posted on: 27 December 2000 by Ron The Mon
I agree with the above responses and will add that you can remove the stock RB300 cable and "temporarily" install a better cable with BNCs. It is inexpensive and easy to do if you or a dealer have experience soldering small wires. I did this to the RB300 on my LP-12 because I needed a longer cable to reach the pre-amp. Also, not only does the BNC connection sound better than RCA, it is safer (doesn't get yanked out easily) and remains a tighter fit for a longer time. Another upgrade that can be done to the arm if the cable is changed is to install a separate ground wire for the tonearm. This arm is earthed to the right channel ground wire and in a Naim pre-amp and a system of your caliber there is an improvement though not as big as changing to BNCs.

Ron The Mon

Posted on: 27 December 2000 by Arthur Bye

When I got my P9 I took the RB900 arm off and sent the whole she-bang to NANA. Dave Dever did a real nice job of fitting it up with BNC's (looks OEM). Just make sure you're gentle with the tone arm and pack it carefully if you go this route. Had it back in one week. Can't remember the cost, but it wasn't a whole lot.

Arthur Bye

Posted on: 28 December 2000 by Gromit
Thanks for all your posts and your detailed information. Printed a copy and am bringing it with me to the Rega dealer here. cool