Posted by: Lomo on 07 January 2005

i met a man today who was being deliberately rude to me. Why are you doing this I asked. He replied..." Because I choose to"
Maybe this will become part of a new speech pattern when we don't want to account for what we say or the way we behave.
I suppose even worse is "Mirrors". The bloke who says I'll look into this for you and you never here from him again.

Now that I've got that off my chest...

Posted on: 07 January 2005 by Deane F
Every so often one bumps into people that provide such a contrast to the way we live that the feeling one is left with is that one's own character is pretty good, really.

I take my rather frail father-in-law out to malls etc every so often. He's painfully slow at times and often holds people up but almost without exception people are extremely patient and defer to his needs. The only exception - a rude fellow in a supermarket - was such a contrast that it put the common decency of everyday people in an even better light.

Posted on: 08 January 2005 by Nime
Originally posted by Deane F:
The only exception - a rude fellow in a supermarket - was such a contrast that it put the common decency of everyday people in an even better light.


Can't have been me! I don't live in New Zealand! Cool

Posted on: 08 January 2005 by Lomo
Deane, I know what you mean . As I get older I see more and more not so much intolerence but impatience with the older generation. Probably a sympton of Western culture
However I know that my Mum would have hit him over the head with her brollie, and Nime, you are very welcome here in Oz. I will steer you clear of the gentleman concerned.
After all first impressions count for a lot.
Yours in anticipation, Lomo