Bring back Jawed

Posted by: John Channing on 30 November 2000

Should Jawed come back to the forum?

Music is the answer.

Posted on: 30 November 2000 by Rico
Bring him back in the stocks, if necessary... surely more than 20 votes should clinch it.

We want more along the lines of:

  • Hutter raves
  • Dissertations on why you should not buy
    anything between the integrated and a 52
  • How to get by with just a couple of 250's and the odd 135
  • DBL's, how to move them on your own
  • insert your own topic for a carefully considered discourse on anything musical here

Still, all three buttons looked so appealing!

Get that man back here if you have to drag him back!

Rico - musichead

Posted on: 30 November 2000 by Dev B
yeah bring the red-head back, I'm yearning to read a good seven page essay on Music vs HiFi.
Posted on: 30 November 2000 by Martin Payne
It'd be great to have him back.

Is anyone in a position to try some persuasion?

Either the censorship has got less severe or Naim have got very good at deleting all the complaints as well! I hope this is a conscious decision from Naim - censorship as a cure is almost always worse than the disease.

cheers, Martin

Posted on: 30 November 2000 by Paul Stephenson
"Why did he leave ?"
I wish he would come back, he got caught in some cross fire and some of his messages where deleted by me......if I could turn the clock.....I would have gone into the tread and saved his.. but,sorry Jawed.
Posted on: 30 November 2000 by Rico
Oh wow, a 21 vote 'for' already. Looks like we'll have to 'gang up' (errr, assemble emmisaries) and head over to west London (shudder) and errrr 'visit the residence for an exchange of diplomatic credentials' and persuade Jawed to re-join the fray.

We'll get back to the people shortly. In the mean time, keep your fingers x'd for no re-count nightmares #; )

Rico - musichead

Posted on: 30 November 2000 by dave simpson
Even though he wouldn't try plug centering... I miss the *old fart.

Surely something we've said during your absence would piss you off enough for a return !;)

best regards and come on back !


* Old Farts - you know, we don't let to many young'uns like yourself into this club. It's a big responsibility Mister:0

Posted on: 01 December 2000 by matthewr
I understand that Jawed would come back but he is too busy with a new business venture called 1-900-BI-CURIOUS (something to do with lonely men in North America).

I would upload a couple of his old posts but sadly it would take hours with my 56k modem. However you can recreate that Jawed experience yourself. Simply type in a 2000 word review of some unlistenable music recommended by Wire (called something like "Sonic Experiments with Microphone, Oscillator and Deep Space Short Wavelength Interference") and add a few phrases like "You really need 135s to appreciate this", "The sort of music that easily reveals the fundamental flaws of budget preamps like the 82", "I only truly understood the crypto-Faust, post-New Age interplay of Hiroshabi's Thrumming Drum and Werner Baumann's Strobe Bass on the 3rd Yakamoto Trio album when I went active", etc. Finish with "Better go now as its 4am and I've still got to listen to the 4th CD of 'More Sounds of Welding'.


Posted on: 01 December 2000 by Tony L
Simply type in a 2000 word review of some unlistenable music recommended by Wire (called something like "Sonic Experiments with Microphone, Oscillator and Deep Space Short Wavelength Interference") and add a few phrases like "You really need 135s to appreciate this", "The sort of music that easily reveals the fundamental flaws of budget preamps like the 82", "I only truly understood the crypto-Faust, post-New Age interplay of Hiroshabi's Thrumming Drum and Werner Baumann's Strobe Bass on the 3rd Yakamoto Trio album when I went active", etc. Finish with "Better go now as its 4am and I've still got to listen to the 4th CD of 'More Sounds of Welding'.

Who needs Jawed, Matthew's got the job. Dye your hair dark red immediately.


PS Snappy for Mr Robinson NOW.

Posted on: 01 December 2000 by Rico
PS Snappy for Mr Robinson NOW.


and on the subject of 'Dye your hair red NOW', I think the name of the day is 'Manchester is the new red'. Or something like that.

PS - welcome back Cliff, you've been most silent recently!

Rico - musichead

Posted on: 02 December 2000 by Jawed
Hi everyone - this is kinda weird. I heard a rumour about this poll and thought, nah ... but here it is. I appreciate the thoughts.

I'm not really "back", I'm afraid, because I don't really look at the conference any more, and I don't think I've got the right kind of enthusiasm to pay attention and contribute like I used to. I've travelled a "hi-fi journey" with a great deal of help and learning from the conference and a group of really close friends I've made through being around here in the early days. You could say that being with them is all the "hi-fi fix" I need these days. Maybe contentment with my system, and excitement in the music's made me mellow.

The conference was an obsession for me, for quite a long time, but I'm cured now, I'm afraid. My current obsessions include:

Counter-Strike ( online first-person SAS v terrorist type thing - I'm a pretty good, very sneaky player - Avarice Rewarded if you're online). This all started with Quake well over a year ago - frankly I love acting like a kid and online games are where it's at.

The Wire (magazine and mailing list For the last year or so, I've discovered my "home" in music-magazine terms. A great range of cover discs as well as reviews and features on a whole range of modern music that barely gets touched by most media (but it does include regular stuff like post-rock, d'n'b, hip-hop, jazz, "new classical" (surely there's a better phrase)). Sure, it's elitism, but the music is right up my street. I've discovered that the scritchy-scratchy electronic noise nonsense of people like Disinformation, with their famous samples of the solar wind, leaf statics and the electromagnetic interference caused by domestic goods (puts a whole new light on the fridge switch-on noise I get through the hi-fi - I've always had a kinda fondness for that reminder that the world outside the music I'm immersed in really does exist - though sometimes it can be hard to distinguish the fridge (crap band called Fridge, by the way, I wouldn't bother) amongst all the other noise going on) is just the tip of a truly intoxicating iceberg of out-there music - something that goes back to the 20s and has had a rich development over the last half of the last century. People like Panasonic are the friendly face of this world (I highly recommend their brand of fucked-techno) but to name-drop people like Vladislav Delay (such a cool name: analogue and digital electronics alluded-to in one word - hmm Jawed Delay, how does that sound?) or C. Schultz or Nils Okland seems a bit pointless because I haven't got the energy to try to persuade you to listen. I can't get over just how much amazing stuff there is out there - I dunno, how do people have time for a regular life beyond music?

Contemporary dance - it's weird but true, but doing dance has made me learn a fair amount about music and it's made me a new kind of listener, too. It's a damn good laugh, and spending an hour or two with a bunch of 20 or so mostly lithe young women does tend to wear one out quite satisfyingly...

Listening to huge piles of records. It's sad and it's still true: I rush home to listen to records. Getting DBLs has given me a revolution in music at home. I've done the odd upgrade since I was last on the conference and I've fine-tuned my system to create something that I couldn't have dreamed of a year ago. I've got myself some Hutter which, frankly, is the first real high-quality stand that I've had in my system (I was a Sound Organisation baby - indeed I was a customer of their's back in the 80s). The Hutter has radicalised my system and for the time being I feel that it can stay as it is. Truly wonderful.

No 500s. Not yet. Maybe Naim would like to tempt me with a new pre-amp or CD player in the next few years, instead. I've got to buy somewhere to live first, though.

I'm not in danger of doing anything like ditching my hi-fi for a low-end system - because I love my system too much. I have to say Kans are where it's at - and I suspect IBLs are the next rung up, but I haven't had a chance to spend time with them.

I do like meeting hi-fi nutters, though, and you can always contact me on if you're in London and fancy going three rounds with DBLs. If you like to drool, you can see pictures at

In fact there's a few of us in London, and amongst us you can hear a good range of beautifully set-up systems - systems that will make a shop dem sound totally lame. I highly recomend this, because listening to friends' good systems tells you so much about what you can achieve for yourself and gives you a chance to take the piss out of their taste in music. It doesn't compel you to upgrade your system as there's plenty to be done in setup terms - but we can always lend you a comforting justification for an upgrade - something along the lines of "shit, your system's terrible" has worked wonders over the last coupla years.

I think the conference should be just the start of a happy hi-fi journey - it's been great for me. I encourage everyone to seek out your local hi-fi buddies - anoraks in the year 2000 are just not as embarrassing as they used to be...

So if you fancy meeting up with the London crowd, just get in contact - we are a laugh, promise guv. There is a cabal, but initiation rites involve spikes and hydras, so you don't want to go there...

Hope you don't think I'm being too cheeky pimping for a group outside of the Naim conference.

[This message was edited by Jawed on SUNDAY 03 December 2000 at 02:54.]

Posted on: 02 December 2000 by dave simpson
Good to hear from you again. Thanks for the catch-up notes, sounds like you're having fun. That's all that matters.

have a ball!


Posted on: 03 December 2000 by Rico
Nice one mate, that saved as all crossing the line to West London for the 'diplomatic mission'.

Far be it from me to air someone elses dirty laundry; but Jawed, I feel you've only skirted around the outside of electronica.... how about a dissertation of the sound of Playstation Games**, or sampling the fridge-switch-on noise? Pretty please?

Rico - musichead

** - for those unfamiliar, this involves listening to the data on a playstation disk. I mean what did you think - play the game as well?