Mana, Base, what to do?

Posted by: Jeb on 20 November 2000

I'm looking for a five shelf stand for the following: CD3.5/FlatCap/102/180/HiCap

I know there is alot about Mana on the forum but I just don't know where to start given the controversy regarding impartiality in a recent review.

Any advice would be greatly appreicated. Also could someone please offer advice on how these should be stacked on a five shelf stand?



Posted on: 20 November 2000 by Top Cat
...try reading my latest post in the "Quadraspire rack" topic. I'm being completely frank and honest there. If you live within a reasonable distance of me, take me up on my offer. If not, make it your goal to hear all the racks in question (if possible) and bear in mind that any rack is better than none at all, although all racks are not created equal.

FWIW, you may be delighted with Quadraspire, its aesthetics and curvy lines. You might desire Hutter, and it may do 'the thing' for you. Mana might be best for you, who knows. All I can say is that I am delighted with Mana, it has lived up to all of the praise and hype, and it made me realise just how good my relatively humble setup could sound.

I only hope that you choice can do the same for your system.


Posted on: 20 November 2000 by Andrew Randle
Cliff said: "Its very difficult to hear alternative racks, especially as you move up the Naim Hierarchy (in which case the dealer may not wish to move 20 or 30K worth of Kit around a number of < GBP1000 racks just to keep you happy."

Although the difference when using a CD5/NAIT5 should be as noticable as a 30k system.

The difficulty is finding a dealer that stocks two or more of your shortlisted stands. Anyone know where I could audition Mana and Hutter at the same venue?


Andrew Randle
2B || !2B;
4 ^ = ?;

[This message was edited by Andrew Randle on MONDAY 20 November 2000 at 17:15.]

Posted on: 20 November 2000 by Rob Doorack
Anyone know where I could audition Mana and Hutter at the same venue?

You're in London, so is Mana. Give them a call, perhaps you might be able to visit them.

Posted on: 20 November 2000 by Andrew Randle
I actually work in Slough (fortunately I don't live there!!), which is just down the road from Mana.

Although I doubt they would offer a comparison with Hutter kit. Its a little bit early days for me - the plan is to start looking in earnest during Feb/March 2001.


Andrew Randle
2B || !2B;
4 ^ = ?;

Posted on: 20 November 2000 by bob atherton
Just 2 days ago I installed enough Hutter to support my entire system. As the SNAXO & Hicap are at Naim for service, my first impressions are with a passive system.

Those first impressions are very, very favourable.
I will report fully when the boxes come back from Naim & things have settled. Watch this space....
