To upgrade or not?

Posted by: Ken Dillon on 08 November 2000

I am the happy owner of a 52 and 2 * 135's with Rouark Solstice speakers.

I have just bought a secondhand CDS 1 and it will be delivered this weekend. Now I have to decide whether to get it upgraded or not. It is 5 years old.

I have to decide this before shipping it to Ecuador where I live ( and where the rest of my system is located ). Shipping it back after that will cost more than the CDS 1 due to customs regulations in Ecuador.

I'd appreciate all thoughts on how the sound compares before and after the upgrade.



Posted on: 08 November 2000 by Rockingdoc
I was initially sceptical about the upgrade, suspecting Naim were trying to offload their surplus CD units before introducing the new all-singing DVD-A/SACD format player (only joking).

The upgrade at UK prices is a total bargain in my view. I felt the CDS2 was a bit better at the dealer's, but in my own room the improvement is more obvious. Far better bass, less digital glare, less fatigue (I am a vinyl man at heart).

The "upgrade" seems to be be a direct replacement of the whole head unit apart from the case.

The only possible complaint is that the output of the new unit seems higher than the old one, so overload of a non-Naim pre-amp could be a remote posibility.

Malcolm McIntyre

Posted on: 09 November 2000 by Martin Payne

I run an upgraded CDS-II head with CDPS (PS from a five year old CDS-I).

It's amazing! The increase in musical communication over a CDX is phenomenal.

I've not heard a CDS-I in this system, but from what I've heard it doesn't have the same delicacy or transparency.

For info, the CDS-I head is completely gutted - only the case is left from the original unit.

cheers, Martin

Posted on: 09 November 2000 by John L.
Hi Ken,

I too, had my four year old CDS upgraded to a CDS2 and agree with all that has been said in previous replies. I think it was the best value for money upgrade I have made so far.I would go ahead and do it in view of the further prohibitive costs involved later if you don't. You will not be disappointed.
