Renee Rosnes

Posted by: Todd A on 09 October 2000

Any other Renee Rosnes fans out there? I have her last two albums – As We Are Now, Art & Soul – and love both of them, As We Are Now especially. Modern jazz on par with some of the classics. I believe it would properly be classified as some “Bop”-type music, though I’m not positive on the labels used. Since I’m mostly a classical nut, I’m sure my comments may cause some ire with more die hard jazz fanatics.

Any way, my rambling does have a point – anyone out there know how to get a hold of some of her older albums? I’m thinking Ancestors specifically, but there are some others. I checked with Blue Note, and the CDs are out of print. Just interested to see if there are any specialty stores / web-sites that would have it.