CD Upgrade?

Posted by: Mark Richards on 15 December 2000

Hi Guys
I'd be interested in your views on my next upgrade. I have CDi/82/180/SBLs. I have a referenced mana amp stand with the CDi on top.
CDi to CDX or higher?
Mana Soundstage underneath amp stand?
Mana speaker stands?

All comments gratefully received!


Posted on: 15 December 2000 by Naheed
1. CDi to CDX or higher?
2. Mana Soundstage underneath amp stand?
3. Mana speaker stands?

Depends how much you want to spend, and where you want to end up ?

1. The CDX for me is not an improvement over the CDi, but it does offer an upgrade path.

2/3. The Mana route is my vote, your CDi is on Phase 2, suggest you go for 2 Soundstages (CDi will be Phase 4, and everything else on Phase 3) THATS A BIG SHOCKING JUMP... and then either go for a pair of Soundbases for your SBLs or just get another Soundstage.

Other suggestions add a s/h hicap to your 82 that'll give more of an improvement.
