Post Chester hi- fi show

Posted by: wal riley on 22 October 2000

So, did anyone go? If so, what did you make of it? For me, the highlights were the Living Voice Avatar OBX's, driven by a Resolution Audio CD player via DNM amplification, which were stunning playing the Indigo Girls's 'Wood Song' and some choral stuff, the name of which escapes me. Also, heard the Electrocompaniet EMC-1 CD player. If I have to dye my hair blond and become a rent boy to get the money for it, then that seems reasonable enough to me! Finally, There was a system using Sugden CD, Densen Beat B100 amp and Acoustic Solutions model 8 Speakers, that made short work out of Ben Harper. Nice one!!
Posted on: 22 October 2000 by Steve Hall
Not a bad 3 quid overall, some very interesting listening rooms. The pre-show highlight was for me to be the CDSII/52/500/NBL room, but oh what a let down, the sound for a 1vs1 comparison with the Kef reference room was bad.

Some nice AV stuff too, now that has seriously got me thinking, only £6k for one of those lovely projectors? hmmmmmm

Posted on: 22 October 2000 by Andrew Randle
What an interesting show that was. Quality rather than quality.

Highlights were many so, here is a run down.

DNM/Living Voice - This system rocked - wow! I am truely impressed with the DNM amps, one of THE most musical set-ups I've heard in my life. Also the bloke from Living Voice was cool and played some fantastic music which I will be buying.

DENSEN - At first listening I thought they were fantastic, but then I developed a headache...

Rega - the cheaper system downstairs sounded better.

Naim - The 5 Series was fantastic. I now like the Credos! I've slated them before but probably that was due to room placement/acoustics. They sounded great with "Rage against the Machine" blasting out.

Speaking of room acoustics, please Naim tell me that the NBL room had bad acoustics!!! Please!!!

Andrew (Gunning for a 72)

Andrew Randle
2B || !2B;
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Posted on: 23 October 2000 by Tony L
Naim - NBL / 500 system, very dynamic and clear, but shouty and hard. Good on drums! 5 Series, seem pretty good on short listen. Both quite impressive, but sounded cold and clinical. Not as good sound as Hammersmith.

DNM / Living Voice - Not bad for a speaker with a port, but sounded boxy and coloured. Played music reasonably well and had scale.

Electrocompaniet / Castle - Very relaxing, but quite interesting. Enjoyable, but needed more get up and go. Would like to hear the CD player on its own.

Rega - The little system down stairs sounded excellent for the money when used with the P3, with the CD it sounded a bit wrong, but still good value. Whole lot was under about 1400 quid. Upstairs system with the P25 and big new speakers did not work well at all.

Densen - Danes in not boring shock. Totally knocked me out. For a measly 1.8k their pre-power sounded utterly fabulous and played music incredibly well with fantastic PRaT. They were using JM Labs Mini-Utopias (costing 4K), plus the prototype of their new 2.4k CD player. I loved this system. Absurdly good value amplification.

Music Works - I finally met Larry from Audio Counsel! Decent bloke indeed, despite Mana hating friend. Their plug board definitely does something audible, I would need to investigate much further to know if it is for me. Roger (an occasional lurker here) was pretty convinced by their board / leads.

The record stall - Landed a very rare Kraftwerk album, see my music of the week post. Good records at a hi-fi show, what ever next…


PS Shame I did not meet any others from here - I missed Dave Cattlin by minutes in the Music Works room...

Posted on: 23 October 2000 by wal riley
They just don't seem able to win, do they? Last year, the NBL/500 room was too big, so they moved to a smaller one this year, and the system STILL sounded average! There must be unlocked potential in there, but hotel rooms are the spawn of Satan, acoustically speaking. The Castle speakers are probably the main culprit for the lack of get up and go in the Electrocompaniet system. The Severns were a bit weedy considering what the amps can do (for me, anyway.) Loved the Sugden Audition CD player as well.