Dynavector 10x4mk2 with 82 S-boards....

Posted by: Laxton on 26 November 2000


I'm presently running an 82 with cdx/nat-3/180/epos22 as the rest of the system. Can the dv-10x4mk2 high output MC work with the S-board of the 82 preamp? Does anyone have any experience on this cartridge esp on a planer 3? I'm very new to the world of vinyl and any help would be most appreciated. Thank you.


Posted on: 27 November 2000 by Phil Barry
I ran a Grado Sonata - very high output MM - into 5-series K boards in an 82 for several hours. I expected tremendous distortion and overload from the combo, but it was eminently listenable. I have no idea what was going on on the board itself (i.e whether it was overheating). My budget allowed the MM boards, which sounded much better.

Recommendation: buy a low output MC or the MM boards.



Posted on: 27 November 2000 by Laxton
Thanks for you replies. If i decide to keep my S-boards, are there any good low-output MC cartridges that i should consider that's on about the same budget as a 10xkmk2? What will happen if i use the S-boards to drive the 10x4, will something blow? Thanks in advance.


[This message was edited by Laxton on MONDAY 27 November 2000 at 16:17.]

Posted on: 27 November 2000 by Ron Toolsie
Years ago I ran a 10X mk 2 on a rega 3 into both MM and MC boards of one of the old Nytech integrated amps. There was much greater dynamic swing into the technically overloading MC boards with absolutely no indication of clipping or distortion whatsoever. The volume knob (actually slider on the Nytech) had to be kept way down. So the MC boards stayed.
The ability or inability to work into the different boards is more than just a function of gain- to which has to be added the loading impedence of the board and possibly the available headroom on the pre-amp. In this case it may well have been that the 100 Ohm load on the MC board was a much better match for the 10X than the 470k load supplied by the MM boards.
Later on the owner of the P3 upgraded to an LP12/Ittok and from the standard ARC 101 to an anctive configuration. Even in this fairly high resolution setup there was nothing to suggest the MC boards were being overloaded by the 10X.
So by all means try out some S-boards, and maybe even some E-boards as well as the standard MM ones. Your own ears, not the technical specifications will very easily tell you which one is the best match.

Dum spiro audio
Dum audio vivo


Posted on: 27 November 2000 by Laxton
Thanks Ron,

I would've consider the MM or other boards if i didn't already have the S-boards which came together with my 82. The boards have never been used. Just to give a little more information, i am thinking of purchasing a p3. Now i am venturing into the unchartered waters of vinyl and also to score some FEPs :) That is the reason why i really do not know much about the techinicalities nor do i have any experience about vinyl setup. Do you have any advise for a newbie?


Posted on: 29 November 2000 by Frank Abela
Ron - you don't half come out with some crazy stuff sometimes.:) The reason you had to keep the gain down on the volume control of your Nytech is because the load was wrong - keeping the volume down simply meant you wouldn't overload the output stage of the amp causing amp oscillation eventually.

Laxton - The correct boards to use with the 10x4 are the MM boards (522's). The Dynavector is higher than a Rega cartridge so you should mount a 2mm or 4mm spacer under the arm (can't remember which exactly) to give you good VTA. In my view, the P3/10x4 combination is a very good one indeed and we consider it to be as far as you'd sensibly take a P3.

As you already have the S-boards, you could consider an Ortofon MC25FL (around £250) or Dynavector 20XL (£300) which will work well into S-boards. The MC25FL has fabulous timing for the money, though it has an 'enthusiastic' treble. The 20XL has more tonality and is my choice therefore. In general, there are significant gains to be had by going with an MC, usually in terms of clarity, detail, and pace.


Posted on: 29 November 2000 by Ron Toolsie
Ron - you don't half come out with some crazy stuff sometimes.:) The reason you had to keep the gain down on the volume control of your Nytech is because the load was wrong - keeping the volume down simply meant you wouldn't overload the output stage of the amp causing amp oscillation eventually.

Well part of the craziness was the fact that at the time (circa 1980) I was an impoverished student esconced in a university dorm in the north east of Scotland. Gear with any Flat Earth Pretensions was far and in-between and we played with what little was available. It was not really the load that was wrong (some MC cartridges work quite well into the 100 Ohms) but the gain/sensitivity :-). This technically mismatched combo was resident in an active system and served its owner for two years and provided by far the best PR&T Flat-Earth sound in the entire dorm (this lads neighbour had a LP12/Ittok/Asak/Nytech which was pounding a pair of supremely coloured KEF 104 ABs with the worst of both worlds... ?a concave earth sound?) The standard Nytech MM boards were a little too low in gain for the 10X- which was quite a bit lower in output than say an Ortofon VMS20, or an ADC XLM, and the volume slider with these boards had to be well advanced with the attendant noise and poor dynamics. Also the different boards had to be dealer installed which required a bus trip over to Edinburgh or Montrose, so frequent swapping and chopping was not really convenient.

If you think that this was crazy, how about the only naim-owning dorm resident.... the front end for his 32/160 was a Technics direct drive turntable!

Dum spiro audio
Dum audio vivo


Posted on: 30 November 2000 by JosephR
Hi, Laxton !

From the US Naim Audio website:

"cartridge type: S - standard low-output MC / K - wide-bandwidth low-output / E - medium output MC. Stageline also available in N - MM / high-output MC type"

I use the 10X4 MK2 with the K board. No problems at all, and it does not overload even at very high volumes. So should not be a problem with the S. It would actually be good, preserving the super dynamics of Naim. Recommended by Ben.

You are welcome to visit me one of these days for some vinyl listening session ...

Posted on: 01 December 2000 by Phil Barry
I've heard the 10X4 only via MM inputs. The Dynavector US web-site is wrong - it's a High Output MC. Try hearing it through the 522s. The K borads work, but the MM boards work well.


Note to Mike Pranka: Are you still the DV importer? If the 10x4 not a high output MC?

[This message was edited by Phil Barry on SATURDAY 02 December 2000 at 20:02.]

Posted on: 01 December 2000 by JosephR
Posted on: 02 December 2000 by Laxton

I would love to hear what those black spinning things can do. Although i have to admit that i've only heard them once thoroughly in the showroom. Expect an email down your mailbox soon .


Posted on: 02 December 2000 by Rockingdoc
After years of experimenting, I am totally convinced that the moving-magnet cart. will produce the most pleasing results unless you spend a lot of money. I mean about 1000UKP on the Cart and the same on the phono stage.