Posted by: Mark Packer on 20 December 2000
I've started this thread because the measurement of PRaT thread is too good to corrupt.
One of the things I've noticed since the Naim move is that I enjoy music a lot more irrespective of the source. e.g. I find myself nodding to the radio in the car, or the tape in the kitchen. Previously I'd just have been irritated by the lack of "fi".
One thing which puzzles me is why FM sounds so good. I mean they're not using Hi-Fi CD players and most commercial stations play lists come off hard drives anyway. So why, when it's all digital up to the transmitter does is sound so good on a cheapie tuner at home and even better through a good one...
<lights on> because the transmitter is driven by a v. big valve!!!! [oops - wrong forum ;-) ]
Does DAB sound as good? dunno,