High quality pictures

Posted by: Martin Payne on 17 January 2001

An open suggestion to Naim:-

Low quality pictures of all Naim models are available on the Naim-Audio site, but how about making some higher-resolution / higher-quality ones available also?

I'm sure that a stock of pictures have built up over the years. It would be great to have a photo album of them on the website for all to access.

How about it?

cheers, Martin

Posted on: 17 January 2001 by Jez Quigley
Pictures of all past/present Naim products would be useful as it is confusing to the newcomer (esp. to the second hand market) - 32/42/52/62/72/82 12/140/160/180/250/135 old style/new style etc etc.
Posted on: 18 January 2001 by Michael Dale
How about all the old brochures too?
