nait3 plus flatcap
Posted by: tzk on 01 January 2001

improved the phono input only. Acording to what you are saying about the volume, I guess you don't have a TT.
I also must say that other experienced members like Mike Hanson - says that the flatcap improves all inputs - I didn't feel it does - but the improvement in TT sound was in a way that justified the flat cap adding.
I have added a flatcap to my Nac 92 and it was definitely a big improvement. Every source sounds better and you can turn up the volume (a bit) without distortion. That said, I just replaced the flatcap by a hicap, which is in another league altogether. My guess is the flatcap gives about 60% of the performance of the hicap, which makes it a good buy!
Regards, Bas
PS it is not obliged, but could you use your (first) name? Makes it all a bit more personal!
I've used a PSU on my Nait for some time now, and it made a significant improvement to all inputs.
The mod to the amp is fairly simple, requiring your dealer to fit the pre-amp and amp DIN connectors (2 x 4 pin DIN, 1 x 5 pin din), and cut some internal links.
Andrew L. Weekes
bas, so you preffered upgrading psu rather then going for better power amp? can you explain why?
hi-cap is almost the same price as nap140.
so, all of you think that is better to upgrade psu first? even if i have nait3? flatcap is rather cheap, but hi-cap is comparable to better power amp, which can help my low sensitivity and impedance speakers.
Regards, Bas
If you have a TT - go for the Flatcap and tell me if you feel like I did or you feel it improves all inputs.
I'd never felt a lack of power with the Nait 2,
Nait 3 - and now I have a flatcap/72/140 and I don't think that the benefit now is with additional power - and I didn't feel that the flatcap gave me more power with the Nait 3. I have the feeling that I alwyas listen with the same output power - the better amplification improves sound and pleasure but does nothing with power , that's my feeling (although I know that somewhere in the amp there is more power...).
Regards, Bas
To my experience, as I live in small rooms (3 x 4 meteres) I'd never had a problem with the power of Naim amplifiers - I mean by that that my ears demand was to stop raising volume before something went wrong with the sound - and I listen loud.
When thinking to upgrade amplifier - never thought that I need more power.
With the Nait2 nait3 flatcap/nait3 and flatcap/72/140 - I listen to TT with volume knob points to the 12 hour
and to cd's to hours 7 - 10 depands on cd recording volume.
I think that the same volume knob position gives
the same loudness with the different amplifiers.
and about 11 for tt. listening on highest hours may finish with clipping on certain tracks.

Regards, Bas