Naim CD5, questions?
Posted by: Jaybar on 29 October 2000
1) How long to break in?
2) Does the naim respond to vibration issolation devices?
But, if the CD5 is like all previous Naim players, then yes - it will sound A LOT better after 3-5 days, then continue getting better for weeks. It should be pretty well settled after three weeks, but you may still hear (or think you hear) improvements after that. And be sure to keep it powered up when not in use.
There is also the theory that powering it down once, and then powering it back up and leaving it on, can shorten the break-in period. I don't know if this applys to the CD5 or exactly how to do it (when to turn it off, how long to leave it off, whether you should wait 'till the moon is full, etc.).
As to responding to racks, this is a tougher one. Paul S. wrote on another thread that the 5-series is designed so the components are free to move a bit and are less microphonic as a result. Consistent with this is an observation by Frank Abela who wrote, in an early trial of the Nait 5, that it was CLEAN all the way up the dial. These two facts would lead me to believe that the 5-series would be less benefited by racks than other Naim kit.
That said, it still may take a good rack to sort out the sound and give a consistent and pleasing result. You may just not need umpteen levels of M$#@ to do it.
I hope someone with better information replies and I hope you enjoy the kit
- GregB
Freedom is not in finding the Holy Grail but in stopping the search for it