Which pre (the old 72-102 discussion...)

Posted by: Bas V on 08 November 2000

As I go through the Forum, I keep seeing the same topic over and over again. I will contribute to that with a poll.


What to do? Everything I will buy will have to be new, the only s/h item I can get is a 1996 Nac72 for UKP 450.

Posted on: 15 November 2000 by Arun Mehan
Thanks for the clarification Arie.

Okay Bas, you have your decision.

...72 because people are buying the 102 instead.

You're "people" aren't you??? I am a fellow student, but I consider myself smarter than you in one way: I haven't purchased Naim yet. Once you get into Naim equipment, you have to be ready to spend money! I'm staying away from it until I can afford to buy and upgrade. Believe me, $400 U.S. in Naim dollars is not that much. At the moment, I can't even justify spending $279 CDN. (only about $150 U.S.) on a new equipment rack for my basic Onkyo system.

It's like this. If you buy an SUV, you better be ready to spend money on insurance and gas. If you are worried about it, then you shouldn't buy an SUV. However, if you buy a small car and you are still complaining about insurance and gas - you're just cheap! NOTE: I'm not calling you, or anyone else reading this, cheap.

So my friend, this is the last posting for me on this topic. I say buy the 102, you won't regret it.

Posted on: 15 November 2000 by Bas V
Well Arun, I would certainly like to buy it... but I can't. Now, I coudl wait, but I KNOW the HiCap improves a lot and that the 72 will be a good deal when I trade it in. So considering that I will not be making big money the next year, don't you agree with me that it's best to get the best you can afford? When I started this post, things were a little different...

And hey, you may outsmart me, but I got a Naim ;-)

Regards, Bas