Speaker plugs.

Posted by: Martin Payne on 28 September 2000

I've recently come to wonder why my system always sounded very smooth and lacking in projection. I've thought of changing my Isobariks, or replacing their tweeters. I've tried the speakers in every position in the room that I thought practical (even if my girlfriend didn't). I've fiddled with the active crossover and changed some tables around.

I mentioned to my local dealer that I have compression-fit 4mm plugs in place of Naim pucka ones, as recommended by Grahams. Apparently, though, these aren't good at passing a lot of current.

I've now had my cables re-terminated with naim plugs. Whilst many people have reported improvements from re-terminated cables without a change of plug type I'm still amazed.

A recessed mid and top has now regained some projection, and there's a lot more going on. There's much more sense of musical flow and pace. Bass goes a lot deeper and is much tighter. In general, I've got some PRaT back.

I just don't understand how a couple of dozen 4mm plugs can make such a difference. Let this be a lesson to you - Naim systems are more than the summ of their parts. Mix-and-match at your peril.

confused, Martin