Damaged Rega P25?

Posted by: Steve Toy on 05 January 2001

I bought an ex-dem P25 recently and attached it to the wall with Rega's own shelf. A week later the shelf parted company from the wall, leaving the P25 in a heap on the floor, with bits of the lid scattered far and wide across the room.
I took it to my dealer - arm OK, sounded nicer than at home, despite more modest partenering equipment, all by Rega. However I noticed that the non-adjustable feet are uneven - I need an assortment of coins underneath them to get it all level. Help!

[This message was edited by steven toy on FRIDAY 05 January 2001 at 14:46.]

Posted on: 05 January 2001 by Tony L
However I noticed that the non-adjustable feet are uneven - I need an assortment of coins undeneath them to get it all level. Help!

It is exactly the same story with my nicely un-dropped P9. The P9 was no way level if placed on a level table. I have stuck a suitably sized washer between the plinth and the offending foot to get it roughly level, and I do the rest by adjusting my Mana Reference table a little out. This makes setting up the Reference table more than a bit of a pain in the arse as I have to move the deck on and off it several times to get it level and the table in tune.

I do intend to buy a selection of different thickness plastic washers, and really get the deck properly level in relation to a level shelf.


Posted on: 05 January 2001 by Steve Toy
Thanks for the rapid reply.While I was at my dealer we checked his demo turntables, a P2 and a P3,they were both level without coins, washers, National Transport Concessionary Travel Tokens or whatever, on his also level Quadraspire tables. I wonder if Rega ought to rectify the problem free of charge since it is obviously a manufacturing defect.The rest of the turntable has not been warped in its rapid downward 5 feet journey, I checked for that!I must add that I was successful in levelling with coins:2x2p coins joined with a smidge of Blu-tack under left foot, 2x2p+1p, again with the blu-tack, under the back foot and I am level!

[This message was edited by steven toy on FRIDAY 05 January 2001 at 13:50.

[This message was edited by steven toy on FRIDAY 05 January 2001 at 13:52.]