It's all gone so slow !
Posted by: Darren Miller on 29 September 2000
Many times over the years it's been suggested that I should move my Naim equipment from between the loudspeakers(Kelly KT3's) thus creating an open space between them. This I was told would help the interaction between the two loudspeakers. So during a moment of boredom last weekend I decided to try moving my system around. The CDX,110 HiCap, 250 now resides to the side of the room.
The verdict.
The tone of the system is now much better than before due to a more focused/warmer sound. This is especially noticeable on voices. However the timing is now shot to pieces. Everything sounds so slow like the musicians are bored. My wife and several friends cannot hear the timing difference but appreciate the improved tone. To me it's unbearable and as it was the timing and excitement that led me to Naim in the first place I can't stand the new sound. (It reminds me of the reason I why chose Naim over Linn when auditioning rival systems)
Before I move it all back and regain my slightly harsher but much more exciting/involving sound can anyone a) explain what's happening because I'm confused or b) make any suggestions so I can have the best of both worlds.
Darren Miller