Speaker Recommendation for a narrow room . I am in New York City

Posted by: Jaybar on 26 November 2000

I am moving a somewhat, though not totally to the flatearth concept that the most important thing is involvement and PRAT. My room is only 12 feeet wide by about 22 feet. Long wall placement is NOT an option, nor can I place speakers up against the short wall because of baseboard heating.

My system is:

Spectral DMC 12 Line Stage
Spectral DMA 90 AMP
Linn TT,Ekos, Arkiv, Lingo, Linto
Naim CD 5 with highcap
MIT Spectral Ultralinear cable and IC's
Thiel 1.5's

I need speakers that can work reasonably close to the side walls, ar not too tall and will work in a room that is a bit bright. Any recommendations. Floor standing speakers would be preferred over stand/monitors as cats have knocked monitors off the stands in the past. Speakers with a low center of gravity would help in this regard.

Posted on: 26 November 2000 by davidf
jaybar, I have a 30 by 20 ft room. I use linn 5140`s with my naim electronics, linn lp12, and cdx. I keep the speakers on the short wall. The 5140s don`t need to be right up against a wall like some of the other linn and naim speakers. Mine are about 1 foot from the wall. They are 3 way floorstanders with a solid base made of heavy steel. The base is bolted to the bottem of the speakers and they have spikes. I use Linn Skeets under the spikes since I have a hardwood floor. These speakers are quite handsome and have a very narrow front which widens towards the back. They are ported (both midrange and woofer) and they go fairly low with a solid bass. I think that for $2600 they offer a balanced package - they play music, are not demanding in terms of placement, and are aesthetically quite nice. They won`t be easy to topple over, unless your cat is on steroids! Since you live in Brooklyn, I would imagine that Innovative Audio will carry them. Otherwise Ears NOva in Great Neck or Accent on Music in Westchester do carry them. Give them a listen- I have had mine for over two years and have no regrets. david.