Kan vs. IBL vs. ???
Posted by: Mike Cole on 31 October 2000
Has anybody out there been able to compare both Kans and IBLs at the same time? If so, could you explain the differences? Do the smaller Royds have the same qualities? I currently have Credos on the end of a Nait3/Flatcap. For a source, I use an LP12/Ekos/17D2 and a CD3.5/Flatcap. The Nait and CD3.5 each sit on their own 3 layer ball/nut system .It produces music but the timing portion is not there. For me, timing is the thing that tickles my brain (my theory is that it releases endorphins and is therefore addictive). I used to have a pair of Kans before I got into tubes and sold them (biiig mistake). The Credos have a big sound but no brain tickle. I have heard Nait based systems before that had the timing thing so mine should be capable of it too. I am thinking about getting another pair of Kans or maybe something similar in the hopes that this will add the timing back into the music. That's why I am asking for the comaprisons. Or if anybody has any further suggestions, that would also be welcome.