(new) AudioNote speakers & Naim

Posted by: Alco on 19 April 2002

Howdy Y'all,

This afternoon I walked down the shopping centre of my town. It was a nice,sunny day and I decided to walk into a big warehouse where a friend of mine works. He was on his break,and we had a little chat about HiFi. I told him my problems regarding my speakerchoices and my laminate.
He's a happy user of an expensive, complete AudioNote system with AudioNote speakers.
He told me that AUdioNote might just be my 'cup of tea'.
So, With another friend who also joint our conversation I went to the nearest AudioNote dealer. (20 minutes by car)
I took along my Nait-2 and two CD's.
(Lyle Lovett & his big band, Allison Kraus)

Well, that friend sure did know what he was talking about. The relative small AudioNote speakers were absolutely stunning on my own
These very sensative speakers sounded very transparent,fast,detailed,and involving (also at lower levels) and had a tight low-end.

So, I took 'em home for a demo and yesssss,finally....the bass in my room was great!
Punchy and tight. Voices didn't sound as open/transparent but that blame goes to my "Transparent" ls-cable. In the store they hooked up some expensive AudioNote wire (30,- UKP a meter) (looked like some cheap bellwire though)
So, all I need to do now is try to sell my SF's and get me a pair of 20" high stands and of we go...!
It sure sounds way better then the Naim Intro's did two days ago. The AudioNote's (AX-two) price is about 50% lower then the Intro's smile

The only downside is the feneer of the AudioNote speakers. It's kinda fake,cheap looking 'cherry'.
(remembers me of the cheap B&W 302-cherry)
O,well you can't have anything in live,eh roll eyes big grin

So, to make a long story short(er),
This might be the lucky winners,if I can only open up that midrange.

Anyone of you lots ever heard/tried AudioNote speakers on Naim ?? roll eyes

Alco cool
Posted on: 19 April 2002 by Andrew Randle
I did suggest Audionote didn't I? Although I was thinking more on the lines of their AN-K loudspeakers.

Are the AX-twos a bookshelf loudspeaker of similar proportions to a Royd Eden? I saw a couple of loudspeakers like these on display about 2 years ago.


Andrew Randle
Currently in the "Linn Binn"
Posted on: 20 April 2002 by Alco
Hi Andrew,

Yes, they're a two-way 'bookshelf' design.
They are a little bit bigger than the Royd Eden's
in centimeters:de AX-two is 38cm high, 23cm width and 22cm deep.
In inches: 15,2"H, 9,2"W, 8,8"D.
Unfortunately I can't find a picture of 'em on the internet. Not even the audionote-site mention them.
They have a small reflex port on the back.

The music just seems to flow uout of the speakers with such ease. It sounds so lively,open and very detailed. Bad recording are also picked out with no mercy.

So, this might finally be the winner for me.
Now I just hope I can get rid of my SF's soon

well, see ya

Posted on: 20 April 2002 by king
What are you paying for for the ANs?

Have you consider Dynaudio, like the Audience series?

Posted on: 21 April 2002 by Alco
Hi King,

De AN AX-two's are 630,- euro a pair.
(only 388,- UKP a pair!)

I heard the Dynaudio Audience 40 and 50 and they don't even come close to the AN's.
The Dynaudio's are pretty hard do drive,especially compared to AN.
The AN's can even teach my previous Linn Kan's a lesson, when driven by a Nait-2!
(whoops,sorry KanFans smile )


[This message was edited by Alco on SUNDAY 21 April 2002 at 10:02.]